Chapter 84

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Kanak was sitting on her couch with her feet up on the table. She had gone for an interview today and had just returned. It had gone well. And it seemed she would get the job. They had assured her they will revert in a few days' time. She sat with a smile on her face. She had changed or maybe she was changing. She wasn't overly worried about things now. Money was still an issue considering her financial situation but she wasn't going berserk over it. She was managing just fine. She had calculated that even after paying the next two months' rent she would be able to live a bit tightly but comfortably. And hopefully she will have a job in hand by then.

She recalled her conversation with Aarav from the previous evening when they had gone jean hunting for him. Only they hadn't bought any. Either the material was too rough or the fitting too tight. He had cribbed so much they had ended up having coffee instead. It had been such a different experience from last time. And then Aarav had had dinner with her at a local restaurant right next door to her house. She had been right it didn't matter to him where he sat or what he wore. He was so comfortable she had been amazed. Though after he had felt a few stares he had removed his jacket and tie. What had saddened her was that he wasn't going home for the night. He went back to his office and then later went to the penthouse he had bought a couple of years back. Alone. She hadn't liked it one bit. Late into the night she had received his call. And they had talked. He had seemed restless and so she had kept the conversation to lighter topics. He had asked her what would be the one place she would like to visit. And she had told him Agra. She wanted to visit the Taj Mahal. And he had told her Taj Mahal wasn't worth it. There were more beautiful places in the world she could visit. But she had argued right back citing how romantic the notion was. He hadn't said anything after that changing the subject.

She sighed. She felt tired. And she had just closed her eyes when the bell rang. Wondering who it was and hoping it wasn't Palak again she opened the door. Her eyes widened and jaw almost dropped when she saw Rohini standing outside. What was she doing here? They had just met yesterday. Did she have something else to tell her? Not sure she quickly recovered from her stupor and folded her hands in greeting. This time Rohini returned her gesture. Kanak opened the door wider to let the older woman in.

Rohini walked in, taking in the room with one sweeping glance. This was her first ever visit to Kanak's house. She had found it strange coming here. It had been so long since she had visited an old residential building like this. Or even a small flat. She had grown up in one. Then moved to a better apartment when her father had gotten promoted just before her marriage. So the arrangement of the house wasn't new to her. Kanak gestured for her to sit. And she did.

"Would you like something to drink aunty?" Kanak asked in a strange voice. She wanted to run inside and hide. Okay, maybe not hide but comb her hair and put on a fresh stroke of makeup. She could feel dampness in the palms of her hands. She was so nervous.

"No," Rohini answered as she smiled a bit. She could hear Kanak's nervousness. Nothing unnatural about it. She took in the girl's appearance. The neatly pinned azure colored plain sari, an untidy bun at the top of her head, and no makeup. "You had an interview," Rohini stated.

"Yes," Kanak answered wondering how she knew.

"And you went like this?" Rohini asked amused.

"No," Kanak replied then hastily added, "I mean, it has been some time since I returned home," she said a bit flustered.

"Won't you sit down?" Rohini asked with a smile.

Kanak didn't say anything she turned to close the door when she heard Rohini ask her to leave it open. She nodded then took the seat near the other woman.

"You must be wondering why I am here," Rohini said seriously, "when we met just yesterday," she said and looked at Kanak. The girl seemed a bit out of her element though she was trying to get over it. "Aarav has decided to come back home after I spoke to him a little while ago," she said watching Kanak keenly.

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