Chapter 21

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Aarav looked at his watch for a hundredth time since he had left Kanak's room. He smiled at how she had reacted when he had told her he had hated what she had worn the last time. But he found he enjoyed her spontaneous reactions to his words. There were no pretensions. No lies. They were honest. Something he missed amongst people in his circle. He was no saint himself but he was definitely intrigued about how she survived in a world full of people who lied and cheated and manipulated every single day of their existence. She was a rarity in the present times. Was that what made him feel protective? Was that why he wanted to check on her if she was okay? She had looked sad and alone. But despite everything she definitely needed a wardrobe makeover. He wasn't sure what she would wear for dinner right now, but this was Goa, it didn't matter and he had already decided to go to one of the shacks on the beach and not to some fancy restaurant. Here, fancy food was available in the shacks. The flavors and choices were amazing. One reason why he himself was dressed casually. He turned around when he heard a nervous footfall. His eyes taking her in. She stopped and tilted her chin. She was going to be stubborn about this. There was no need. She would fit perfectly in the crowd. He smiled to himself. Her white sleeveless top and jeans were just fine. Thankfully she hadn't applied too much make up either. He looked at his wrist watch. She had made it in eleven minutes forty five seconds. Good timing.

"Let's go," he told her and waited for her to reach him.

Then they made their way past the lobby to the pool overlooking the sea beyond. They walked in silence as he took her towards the steps that led to the beach and he strolled with her towards where he could see the lights on in numerous shacks lined up a little further. It was a balmy evening. Warm. It was monsoons in Goa. Month of July was low tourist season. The breeze blew across the sea making the tall coconut trees sway in a rhythmic motion. Kanak wondered if she should have tied her hair. The moon played hide and seek in the clouds. But the light was enough to see where they were going. The waves crashed on to the shore, their sound soothing. She had been to Goa once. When she had done her internship. She had never had time to enjoy the views or the place because she had been working and hadn't had the explorer's streak then. Always keeping to her room. Reading books to pass her time or sleeping. But today she was free and she found the view serene. She stumbled in the sand over a rock and felt Aarav's hand on her arm to steady her. She thanked him and they walked on.

Kanak kept thinking where they were going for dinner. Restaurants were very much there at the resort itself. But she didn't dare ask. Lest he decided to comment on her clothes. Aarav walked past several shacks then stopped at one and gestured for her to walk before him. She did. They climbed the six stairs that led to an open space with tables and chairs and Chinese lanterns blowing gently in the breeze. Most tables were still empty. The host rushed forward to greet them and Aarav explained what he wanted. The host immediately took them towards the corner right by the railing overlooking the beach and the sea beyond. A live band was playing under the thatched roof. The host returned with a server and introduced him to them. The server gave them two separate lists one for drinks and one for food and then left asking them to go through it and that he would be back when they were ready.

"What will you drink?" Aarav asked without taking off his gaze from the menu.

"I don't drink," Kanak answered.

"There are non-alcoholic drinks too," he pointed out to her.

Kanak looked at him over her menu.

"Come on Miss Sharma," Aarav said smiling, "humor me. Don't you want to celebrate your sister's engagement today?" he said.

"If that is how you are going to talk I will go back," she said as she placed her menu back on the table.

"What?" Aarav said innocently, "They are celebrating so should we," he told her then in a more relaxed manner said, "okay, but you can still order something to drink and please don't order coconut water," he said and went back to studying his drinks menu.

Love Finds a Way !!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ