Chapter 36

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When they were outside Dhruv bid Kanak a good night but Palak asked him to go ahead and that she will follow shortly. Dhruv had given her a questioning look but then left thinking the sisters needed to talk about something important. The second the elevator doors closed Palak turned towards Kanak.

"What are you going to do here?" Palak asked suspiciously.

"Make them comfortable," Kanak responded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Di, they are comfortable," Palak argued.

"Really," Kanak questioned, "so why are you so worried?" Kanak asked.

"Why should I be worried?" Palak said trying to feign nonchalance.

"I don't know, you tell me," Kanak replied with a shrug, "you are the one who wants me to leave immediately. Never before have you ever asked me why I am going to Indore or what I am talking to them so why today?" she asked directly.

"You can do what you want di," Palak said in a huff.

"You know I am amazed Palak," Kanak said as she shook her head, "I know it is a waste of time and energy talking to you about these things but...I will still try," she said with patience, "you really think uncle is comfortable here?" she asked.

"Of course," Palak replied, "it is a place he has never even seen. And so luxurious. Why wouldn't he be comfortable?" she asked as if she couldn't comprehend Kanak's words.

"You really don't know your father do you," Kanak said and as Palak opened her mouth to defend her words Kanak raised a hand stopping her, "you think that man there, is happy and has no worries. Let me assure you, after meeting Dhruv and staying here he is more worried than he ever was," she said and Palak looked surprised, "he is worried how he is ever going to return this kind gesture on the part of your in-laws and it is he who thinks your in-laws did this we, of course, know who did it," she said but never took Aarav's name. As it is just the reminder was enough for Palak's confidence to take a hit. "You do know the truth. You know that your in-laws are not just furious with you or Dhruv they are also furious with Aarav. And what if at tomorrow's dinner your wonderful mother in-law decided she would take a dig at uncle and aunty? Did it even occur to you? Instead of pretending all was well you could have told them the truth," she said, "so they would have been prepared to face them. You should have explained the situation as is. Instead you painted a false picture," she said irritated with Palak and her immaturity.

"So fine," Palak said unabashed, "they have one less worry to think about," she said flippantly.

"Are you really that dumb?" Kanak said angrily. "Do you realize what will happen when the truth will come before them?" she said, "I didn't tell them the reality of your marriage only because I wanted them to be here when I did that," she scolded Palak, "and you took that opportunity away. Now what do I tell them if they ask about your in-laws? Lie to them," she went on, "when will you start thinking about others. Now because of all your white lies I am stuck. Again. And don't say they won't ask me anything," she warned, "they surely will. Since I am the only one other than you who has met with your new family they will ask all sorts of questions and would want me to come with solutions for their worries. What will I tell them? You should have told them the truth so we could have worked something out together and now I am left to figure things out all by myself," she said then realized they stood in the lobby of a seven star hotel. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I just wanted them to feel nice," Palak said gloomily.

Kanak wanted to shake some sense into Palak. But she wouldn't understand. She shook her head.

"Just start taking some kind of responsibility for your actions Palak," Kanak advised, "I am not going to be around anymore. You are married and you have your share of problems to deal with now," she said trying to put some sense into her, "I will try to smooth their worries as best as I can but I am warning you," she said firmly, "you tell another lie, don't expect me to fix things for you after that," she told her.

And Palak nodded.

"And learn to be a bit grateful," Kanak said quietly, "a little humility on your part will go a long way. You never even said thanks to Aarav, did you?" she asked. And saw Palak stiffen then tilt her chin. Kanak shook her head. So much for giving her advice. "He did save you and Dhruv from a lot of censure today," she reminded her sister.

"He did it because Dhruv's father asked him to," Palak replied.

"He didn't have to necessarily agree," Kanak tried, "and you have seen him too haven't you," she said, "you really think he would have done it just because his uncle had asked him to keep certain truths to himself," she said hoping her sister would realize and try and be nice to the man in future but she was hoping in vain.

"I don't care di," Palak retorted, "if Dhruv wants to be grateful to his brother so be it," she said and shrugged, "I didn't ask him for help so why should I be grateful. And I am starting to wonder di, if you are just feeling grateful to him or is it much more," she said then gave a half smile at her surprised expression, "food for thought. Time for you to think a few things, right," she said then throwing a flying kiss towards her turned on her heel and left.

Kanak stood there wondering if Palak really deserved to get someone like Dhruv. Whatever that man was he had been grateful for his brother's help. He was aware of his brother's strengths and negatives. The man didn't have a weakness. At least she didn't know of one. So negative it was. But Palak. She was so different from Dhruv too. Unnaturally self-absorbed. She couldn't think of anyone but herself. Not even about her own parents. Kanak shook her head. And opened the door to go back inside and face the questions and worries she had seen in her uncle and aunt's eyes. But Palak's words had given her pause.

Was she just grateful to Aarav for everything he had done including keep her request today or was it something else? Suddenly she wasn't sure. He didn't seem the type who would have granted her request to keep the truth to himself for a while and yet he had. Why? She recalled her conversation with Pratiksha a few days back. The way she had defended him after listing his wonderful personality traits. What was going on? Did she like him? How was that possible? She didn't even know the man properly. Not even about where his father was? Was there something she was missing? Maybe. She hadn't met either his or Tanish's father. They hadn't been present and Aarav hadn't spoken of the man either. Why was Aarav head of the companies and family affairs? Why not his father or even Virendra Singhania? She furrowed her brows then decided to ponder over these things later. For now she had to smooth over the worries of two other individuals. With a deep sigh she went inside hoping that all would go well from here on. And she would be able to return to her normal life again.

What she didn't know was that soon she will find that the most normal she felt about herself was when Aarav Arrogant Singhania was around.


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