Chapter 75

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Rohini stood up indignantly. Aarav stood before her.

She had arrived this afternoon and had received a call from Aarav. He had asked her of her health, journey and then if she was free that evening. She had told him to come see her and that she was very much available. She had already heard of the market buzz regarding Tanish and upon enquiring had found out what had happened. She had assumed he wished to speak to her about it. And so she had started with the same. Only it hadn't been on Aarav's mind. Though he had tackled the issue well and she had been proud of that. She was proud of the fact that she had trained him well. Then he had surprised her with his decision to get married. He had never shown interest in marriage before. Every time she had picked up the topic he had walked away. Every time she had tried to arrange a match for him he had declined categorically. Finally, she had decided to give him some break. His life revolved around their business and he had always considered relationships a burden. So she had been astonished at his sudden decision. Then the elusive happiness had taken over and she hadn't been able to contain herself. She didn't like displaying emotions and maybe Aarav had picked that trait from her but she had always found it easier to deal with situations practically than emotionally. She had given this trait the credit for her success. And it had proved correct even with Aarav. Maybe even Tanish. Though he did display his emotions more than Aarav. It was very easy to get him riled up. Mostly the mention of Aarav's name itself did the trick. She had been excited and had wanted to know why suddenly Aarav wanted to get married. She had been super happy when he had told her he already had a girl in mind. Only when he had mentioned the name she had been shocked. Kanak? He didn't find anybody else. There was nothing wrong with the girl. She was a good looking girl, honest and very simple. But maybe those were the very traits that went against her too. She was a complete opposite of Aarav. Besides she was Palak's sister. And as far as she had observed Palak, there was not one thing she admired in the girl. She was pretentious to her core, extremely self-absorbed, very artificial. She was so much like Shilpa it was unbelievable. Somewhere she knew Kanak to be different than Palak. Somewhere she knew Kanak to be more sensible. But nothing else matched either. Her background, her social status, her education, her lifestyle. She was so unlike Aarav it was unbelievable. What had they even found common? She couldn't come up with one thing. Aarav headed their businesses, his lifestyle, his thinking, his attitude, his personality was all a league in its own. The two weren't suited at all. And she couldn't have her son marry a nobody. She was glad in a way he had decided to talk to her before going ahead unlike Dhruv. But she won't accept Kanak as her daughter-in-law. Never. Even if everyone else agreed she wouldn't. She couldn't. She couldn't watch her only son destroy his life.

"Have you lost it Aarav Singhania?" she asked.

"I know where my head is mom," Aarav replied keeping his tone warm, "I just recently found where my heart is," he said.

"Do you realize who you are?" Rohini asked narrowing her gaze as she crossed her arms over her chest, "A man of your position, your stature wants to marry a nobody," she said and scoffed, "I have my doubts if this is a joke," she said caustically.

"Mom," Aarav said calling on to his reserve of patience, "if it had been a joke I would have been laughing by now," he told her, "I know what you are talking about. It is the same feeling I went through when Dhruv told me about Palak," he said ironically, "and I said pretty much the same thing to him. I wasn't planning on falling in love with her. If you ask me I wasn't interested in love at all," he said keeping it as simple as possible, "but the way I feel about Kanak, I have never felt anything like this before," he said trying to explain the depth of his emotions without using much words.

"Aarav," Rohini said angrily, "get over this infatuation of yours and I will think we never had this conversation," she told him.

"It isn't that simple mom," Aarav said his voice growing firmer by the minute, "I love Kanak," he said with finality, "she is the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know if I am saying this right but every time she is around I feel at peace with myself," he said and Rohini looked peculiarly at him, "in all the years since dad left us I have been very restless," he said and Rohini's eyes widened, "I hid it from you from choti ma from everyone but the second I spoke to Kanak I seemed to reconcile with the past," he told her.

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