Chapter 60

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Kanak felt the currents the second Aarav tucked the lock of hair behind her ear. The gentle almost soft graze of his finger across the curve of her cheek. She had all but closed her eyes at the sensations he had ignited deep inside her with just that one touch. The way his long fingers had moved over her skin. She had gazed into his eyes. She had glimpsed admiration and something akin to desire in its depths. And she had been unable to look away. Her breath had hitched in her throat and she forgot to release it. Her lips parted of their own will. She felt him cup her chin and pull her forward. Slowly. Unhurriedly. Why? Maybe he was giving her time to pull away. To stop him. To say something that would avert the moment she knew in her bones she would enjoy now and regret later. It was a bad idea. She knew it. She should stop him. Herself. But she wasn't able to. Something much stronger than reason compelled her to stay where she was. Something much bigger propelled her to become a part of this mad mad moment.

And then she saw his face dilate. No, not dilate. Vanish. Her eyes closed the second his lips touched hers. His cool lips met her eager warm ones. She had never been kissed before. And she found the experience to be strange. His lips just glazed across hers. Touching gently. Nipping lightly. The unhurried pace of the kiss blew her away. There was so much tenderness, so much sensitivity poured into this one act that it made her feel special. It heightened her senses alerting her to how he felt. She tentatively placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. She felt the tense muscles beneath her fingers. The crisp fabric of his expensively tailored shirt. She sensed his hand move away from her chin to cup her face. And at the same time he increased the pressure till her lips parted under the gentle assault. Before she could understand his intention he deepened the kiss. And Kanak found her fingers gripping his shirt. Sensations burst through her spreading their wings inside, soaring. First warmth then heat coursed through her veins. The thrill of the moment increased. Her arms went around his neck. Shy. She felt so shy. Unsure. Not that it stopped her. She never wanted this moment to end. She wanted it to go on.

She had no clue how long she sat there. Or how long that moment of insanity lasted. All she knew was she would never forget this moment ever. The warmth that had spread through her. The fuzzy feeling in her head. The butterflies dancing in her stomach. The sensations that seemed to engulf her. How could she ever forget this life changing, earth shattering event? It wasn't possible. Just as it wasn't possible for him to ever fall in love with her. And that gave her pause. She stiffened instantly. He didn't love her. The one line echoed through her head. She let go of him. He must have felt her reluctance too as he let her go instantly. But didn't release her as easily. Their breaths were short. As Kanak opened her eyes she saw him furrow his brows in confusion. Why was he confused? And then the focus returned. She saw the alertness return. The awareness grow. And she felt upset. Upset that it had ended so abruptly. And with her upset she also felt ashamed. Ashamed of what she had done. She felt her cheeks grow hot. How had she let this happen? What had happened was a mistake. No, not a mistake. A disaster. Her hand went to her forehead. She closed her eyes to get a semblance of what had taken place. To get a grip back on reality. The second she felt his arms loosen themselves from around her she created immediate distance by quickly getting up and going inside.

He had kissed her. Aarav had kissed her. She should be thrilled at the idea. She should be jubilant. Ecstatic even. But she wasn't. Because she knew it hadn't meant anything to him. It had just been a casual kiss to him. In the heat of the moment kind of kiss. But how had she forgotten who she was. He was the Aarav Singhania. And she was the plain little Kanak Sharma. There was no match. The fact that he had considered herself deserving of his presence alone should have made her grateful instead she had fallen in love with him. It wasn't his fault. It was her fault. She wrung her hands together as she bit her lip viciously. Her brain went on an overdrive. Her heart refused to stop its frenzy. She was a mass of nerves in a matter of seconds. She was sure it hadn't been longer than that. She put her hands to her face and groaned silently. This wasn't supposed to happen. This shouldn't have happened. What would he think of her? Forget him. What should she think of herself? All she had wanted to do was comfort him. And he had given her time to pull away making his intentions clear instead she had let him kiss her. What did that say about her? What if he thought her to be an opportunist too? What of her values? What would Palak say if she got to know about this? What would Pratiksha say? How would she face everyone? Where was her sense of right and wrong or morals when it was so required? What was she going to do? Before she could run the marathon with her jumbling thoughts and piling doubts she heard a sound behind her. Aarav must have come in too. Of course, he wouldn't be sitting there twiddling his thumbs. What was she going to say to him? Or he to her? How was she going to face him? Damn.

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