Chapter 10

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Kanak reached home and threw her bag on the sofa as she placed her things from her work station on the table. She sat down with a huff. Why did it have to be her? But she knew there was no answer to that and to the never ending thinking she could do over the subject. The optimistic person she was she refused to be bogged down by what had happened. She needed to find a new job and she was grateful to Mr. Talwar for making sure that there was no mention of her being at the police station or anything else in the termination letter. It just mentioned she was being laid off due to the decision taken by the management. And she did get an extra month's salary plus all the other compensations that were her due for three months. She had some money saved up too. She could easily survive for three months without work. But Kanak knew staying out of work for that long meant more competition. She had to get out there and get a job really fast.

She went inside and changed into her jeans and top. Then made some tea for herself. She went to the small enclosed balcony she had and sat there. Rain had started to fall again. It was monsoons in Mumbai and sometimes it just rained incessantly for days. But she liked the weather. She loved rains. After she finished her tea she took her things from the table and took them to her room. This had originally been a one room apartment. The other space had been a dining room that had been converted into another bedroom with a wall and door constructed later by the owner. But it worked for her and Palak. Though there was only one bathroom, that they had to share but at least the apartment was neat and clean compared to so many they had seen before taking this one. Plus, it was in their budget. Together Palak and Kanak paid around fifteen thousand for it. A lot of people thought it was way too much but getting an apartment in Mumbai was very difficult. And this was a great price and the arrogant Aarav Singhania thought it was a pigeon hole. Maybe for him it was but he had to really see a pigeon hole apartment to compare and those went for ten times the price of what she was paying here.

Why was she thinking about him? She should be concentrating on what she was going to do about her job and Palak. How was she going to find her sister? She pondered over the question as she cooked Aloo Gobi. Since she was the only one to eat tonight she just made the vegetable and two chapattis. She could have some yogurt on the side with it. She was making her second chapatti when her phone rang. Wondering who it could be and hoping it was Palak and no more bad news or the insufferable Singhania brothers she went to pick it up. It was a number and code she didn't know but she picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" Kanak said.

"Di," a girl answered on the other end.

Kanak couldn't have been more thankful to God. It was Palak. But this was not Palak's number.

"Where the hell are you?" Kanak said impatiently.

"Di, I am terribly sorry," Palak said. And Kanak thought she sounded unsure. "I should have told you but I am in a deep mess and I didn't know what to do so I left in a hurry to think things through," she said in a rush.

"Palak," Kanak said trying to keep up with her sister, "whatever mess you are in we can sort it out, we can find a solution for it," she said trying to ease her sister's tension, "you just come home," she said desperately.

"Di," Palak said and Kanak heard the suspicion in her voice, "what has happened?" she asked.

Kanak opened her mouth to tell her the truth then paused as she recalled Aarav Singhania's warning. What if Palak had really done something wrong? She had just admitted that she was in a mess. Had she really stolen something from them? Maybe Aarav Singhania was telling the truth. And if she told her about them maybe she would run again. Kanak deliberately calmed herself down. She will have to keep her tone even. At least find out where Palak was.

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