Chapter 64

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Kanak was going to have a headache. The party was in full swing and she was so bored not to mention disappointed. She had splurged on the beautiful pink anarkali suit with pearl border work last evening. It wasn't overly expensive but considering she wasn't earning right now and her savings were pretty limited it had been a bit much. Then she had to buy those things that were required as per customs. Her uncle had told her he would reimburse that amount since it was their duty to get those things, she had declined. She would manage. Somehow. Coming back to her dress, it was simple and yet elegant. And the man she had worn it for wasn't even here.

There were so many people around her and she knew nobody. She had already met and greeted Chitra, Sagarika, Dhruv, Palak and Shilpa. Rohini, Aarav's mother wasn't here. She was in Khandala with dadaji. She had already given the presents she had brought with her to Shilpa who had for once spoken politely to her. Or maybe it was because of all the people around her. Not that it mattered. And Kanak had breathed a sigh of relief. But as people had started to increase in number Kanak had slowly felt the need to get out of the claustrophobic, flashy and very artificial environment. Shilpa Singhania's most friends were very similar to her. Drunk on the wealth and power their husband's or families exuded in the city. There were very few men at the party. And Aarav was nowhere to be seen. She wanted to leave, already. It had been only an hour since she had been here. Her eyes had been searching for only one person. And she was tired of smiling at everyone who passed her or paused to congratulate the soon to be aunt.

Seeing everybody engrossed in themselves she slowly inched away from the living hall. Not knowing where to go she decided to go to Aarav's study for a much needed breather. Once inside she took in a deep breath of relief. She put her fingers to her aching temples and massaged the sensitive nerves hoping to ease the pressure. She moved away from the door and went to sit on the couch. There was nobody in the huge room except her and the faint musky scent of the man who probably occupied this room most times. The disappointment made its way to the surface forcing her to acknowledge that it had been a wasted opportunity. She had made so much effort. Not just effort she had so wanted to see him. Was he that angry with her? Would he never want to see her again? What would she do if that was the case? But she didn't want to think that way. She didn't want to give in to her doubts again. She didn't want to feel negative anymore. At least not without trying. It was okay. She closed her eyes for a second and tried to get her bearings together.

Then opened them. Had she dozed off? She looked at the clock. She had been in the room for some time now. She quickly rose from the couch and smoothed her hair. She wasn't tired then how come she had fallen to sleep? She had closed her eyes for just a few seconds. Oops.

"She is quite something isn't she?" someone said and Kanak whirled around startled at the sound.

Tanish. What was he doing here? Why was he here? She hadn't seen him before at the party. And it was not her fault that she was startled. He did have a habit of catching her at the most inopportune moments. Did he know she had fallen to sleep? Maybe. Though she hoped he didn't.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you come in," Kanak said lightly and started to walk towards the door where he stood.

"You are not that scared of me," Tanish said challenging her.

Kanak paused and looked at him.

"Should I be scared of you?" she counter asked.

"No," Tanish replied.

"Then I am not scared of you," Kanak said simply, "only I don't want a repeat of what had taken place on the evening of the reception," she told him honestly.

"Ah that," he said as if he had forgotten all about it, "you know I wonder," Tanish said thoughtfully, "being raised by the same set of parents you are vastly different from that drama queen you call a sister, she does have a habit of tiring out people with her antics," he said.

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