Chapter 5

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"Why did you let her believe Palak took something away from us?" Dhruv asked as soon as they sat in the car.

"Because we couldn't tell her why her sister is missing," Aarav answered pointedly, "and I wanted to see if she was telling the truth or misleading us," he told Dhruv. But he never looked at his brother's face. He was looking out the window.

The girl he had just met had nothing extraordinary about her. She was plain looking, a little too bony if one was to ask him and strangely dressed. But it was her eyes that had captured his interest. There was that spark in them he had never seen before. They were honest and did not have one trait that told him she was lying. She had gone from being scared for her sister to defending her to him in a fraction of seconds and he had been surprised to see so many emotions on her face. There was no calculation, no maliciousness, no expression whatsoever to say she was scheming with her sister or she knew what her sister was up to. If this was how her sister was no wonder Dhruv had fallen for her but for some reason Aarav wasn't sure about that fact. Why? Because he had heard every word Kanak's lips had uttered. She had said and he knew his hearing was not faulty 'She maybe a lot of things but not a thief'. What did that mean? And since it had come out so spontaneously he had little doubt about it being made up. Kanak had said it in absolute truth. Which meant Palak, the girl in question was not as reliable as Dhruv thought. He hoped he didn't have another Hiten on his hands.

"So what do you think?" Dhruv asked bringing Aarav out of his thoughts.

"About what?" Aarav asked irritated with his brother.

"About what Kanak said," Dhruv said with impatience. What the hell was wrong with his brother? "Was she telling the truth about not knowing Palak's whereabouts?" he repeated.

"Yes," Aarav said reflectively, "she doesn't know where Palak is. But she is the only one who can find out and she will, for us," he said and smiled wickedly.

Dhruv wasn't sure what to make of his brother's smile. Sometimes Aarav was a mystery to him. He had often wondered how his brain worked but he had never been able to decipher the secret. Actually none in the family had been able to. He was scarier than his grandfather when he lost his temper. Ruthless to the core when it came to competition. And genius when it came to business. It was true his grandfather Mr. Kamlesh Singhania had laid the foundation but it was Aarav's mother, Rohini aunty's sheer hard work that had brought the business to life again after they had lost Ashutosh, Aarav's father in an accident. And then Aarav's genius had given it new heights. In the past seven years since Aarav took over Singhania empire had grown by leaps and bounds. It was as if he had the Midas touch. And he was one person who was the most coolheaded in the gravest situations which was why he was a terror when he lost it and Dhruv could only hope they found Palak before that happened.

"How will she do that?" Dhruv asked.

"Why don't you let her figure it out?" Aarav responded out of patience with his brother. "You worry about what you will do when you do find her, get it," Aarav said, "how are you going to tell your father, no, not him your mother because as far as I know Shilpa aunty is going to skin you alive and have that girl's head on the side for dinner," he said and was satisfied as he saw Dhruv's eyes go all big with worry in his face. Good for him. He should know it wasn't as simple as he thought and it would be nice for once to let him do some thinking too.

He looked out again his mind shutting down on the current predicament as it opened another window to the new problems they were facing with their Kolhapur plant. It seemed he will just have to go there and interfere on the behalf of the incompetent management. How he hated it when things didn't go as planned. An entire shipment was being delayed because of the lockout. And the stupid people couldn't get a grip on the situation. He had previously thought of sending Dhruv but since he was so preoccupied with personal problems and Virendra uncle, Dhruv's father was in Singapore he will just have to take care of it. Unless.

Unless he sent Tanish. He would love to send Tanish his youngest cousin but it seemed the man was hell bent on wasting his genius elsewhere than in the business. He was a pro at handling such situations but he would never go on his request. God knew why Tanish hated him so much. But Aarav knew if he went to Kolhapur and Palak was found here he wouldn't be able to be in two spots at one go. Maybe, just maybe Tanish would agree. And he knew just how to make him. With that solved he smiled. It had never bothered him as to what method he had had to use to get things done. For him it was always the end result that mattered. He wasn't averse to blackmailing or coercing or manipulating situations and people to his advantage. The only thing he didn't like was cheating. He had never cheated anyone and he wasn't going to do it in the future that was one reason why he hated people who lied or cheated. And he hoped that the girl Dhruv had chosen was neither. Because if she was, Aarav would have no problems in making sure she stayed far away from the gates of their house.

But that would mean he probably would never see the other sister again too. And that thought irritated him more than anything else.


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