Chapter 45

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Kanak was mortified at how Pratiksha had spoken to Aarav. To the point where she had told him of the name Kanak had given him. What would he think? He had left almost immediately after that. She had been irritated beyond words with Pratiksha's behavior. Though she had marveled at the confident way her friend had spoken to Aarav. She had made it look so easy. But then Pratiksha was a different girl. She had had a happy life. Not that Kanak hadn't. Besides no two people were ever the same. And Pratiksha was a different girl. More direct and open as compared to her. Kanak knew, most times it was her inhibitions that she had never gotten over which made her operate the way she did. And she had never found a reason to do otherwise either. Her world was very small. Consisting of very few people. Her uncle, aunt, Palak and Pratiksha or maybe a couple of more people but that was it. And she had never been as outgoing either. Something Palak was. Strange, in all the three girls she was the only one who didn't have as much confidence or maybe she did but didn't show often. Whatever the reason she was still mad at Pratiksha for telling her little secret to Aarav like that. And so she had walked off in a huff to find a quieter place and calm herself down. She did find it. By the pool. A few guests had been there but as she had approached they had slowly left. And she stood all alone there. Not that she minded. She liked her space. She felt the light atmosphere help her irritation fade away and replace it with a strange restlessness.

Aarav hadn't said anything about how she looked. That was so rude. It was as if he couldn't care less. Was it too much for him to say what he thought? His sister had told her she looked wonderful and that Aarav had insisted she would do her creation justice but he hadn't told Kanak that. The cad. She wouldn't put it past him to deliberately keep her waiting. Problem was she couldn't go and ask him about it. And if she knew him at all he would have a lot to say about her nickname for him. She groaned and this time a bit loudly.

"Problem?" she heard someone say and turned around to look at who it was.

She wanted to groan again as she saw the owner of the lazy drawl. She should have guessed the second she heard it. Tanish. What was he doing here? And why was he always finding opportunities to corner her.

"No," she replied politely.

"Then what were you so diligently thinking about before you groaned?" he asked again and walked towards her.

He was wearing a formal two piece suit. Charcoal grey in color. With loafers. Kanak didn't know what to make of the man. He wore a formal attire with casual footwear. Who in their right minds did that? Never mind. He was a shrewd one. She had to remember that. And not let her guard down.

"I don't think my thoughts should concern you," she said a bit drily.

"Oooh," Tanish said sarcastically as he put both his hands in his pockets, "claws. I didn't think you had it in you to answer back," he said with a smile that never reached his eyes.

And then Kanak saw him take in her appearance. There was nothing malicious about the way he looked at her neither was there any insult. It was just a thorough appraisal that was all. Was it to unnerve her? He shouldn't have bothered if that was the intention considering she was unnerved anyway.

"Why are you here?" Kanak asked not interested in playing games with him.

He looked thoughtful at that.

"You do look better than that sister of yours," he said.

Kanak gaped at him. Was that what he wanted to say to her? Why suddenly the compliment? Or was he trying to sidetrack her? What was she going to do with these Singhania men? They never said anything directly. Always talking in riddles. Or maybe something was wrong with her comprehension.

"I don't think that is what you came here to say," she said a bit irritated with him.

Not just him. With his wonderful older brother too. Was it too much for him to compliment her? And now Tanish and his words laced with manipulation.

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