Chapter 67

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Kanak stood there staring up at him. She couldn't find her voice. Again. Kanak knew one thing for sure. She would never get the last word in. Here she had been gearing up to apologize and then confess how she felt for him and there he went neatly sweeping the mat from under her feet. She felt as if she was in a daze. He had not just apologized he had also proposed to her. And she was speechless. Aarav Singhania was in love with her. The man she loved with all her being, the man she had been longing for was in love with her. What was she going to do? She had wanted him to feel something for her but never even in her wildest dreams had she hoped he would fall for her. She had always thought she wasn't good enough. She had always thought she wasn't special enough. She had always compared herself to the many women who he was surrounded with most times. She was such a simpleton to his worldly experience. She was naïve to his wisdom. No sophistication. No big family name. And yet. And yet he had said he loved her. As the daze wore off she felt a sudden thrill run down her body. She felt alive after a long time. Her confidence went sky rocketing high. She felt she could win the world all on her own because this man, this dear dear man loved her. And of its own a smile burst on her lips. She didn't know if she should jump in joy or cry with happiness. She forgot everything. Nothing else mattered except him. And she did what she had been wanting since the second she had seen him standing outside her apartment. She hugged him. Linking her arms behind his broad back. She put her ear on his chest and heard the solid beat of his heart. He seemed a bit surprised and then slowly she felt his arms come around her. And he put his head on top of hers. He was a tall person. And she was short. They were different from each other in every sense of the word. But they could work it out. She was sure of that.

"While this feels really nice Kanak," Aarav said his voice sounding raspy, "I am not a very patient man," he said and Kanak almost laughed.

She looked up and knew what he was waiting for. She had to tell him how she felt about him too.

"I know," she said happily her eyes shining bright, and she hoped he could see how she truly felt for him, "and despite being impatient you never lost it with me," she said and saw him frown a little, "despite being imperfect you are the most perfect man I have ever met," she went on, "you may be rude and boorish and insensitive but I have yet to meet a man who is as grounded, respectful, considerate and arrogant as you are," she said and Aarav almost groaned. She placed a hand on his cheek and he looked into her eyes, "and I don't think I ever want you to change," she said softly her eyes full of love, "because I Love You," she said stressing on the last word, "and everything you are," she finished.

As they looked at each other she saw his eyes move over her face. But she stood there letting him see for himself how she felt. The emotions she had been trying to hide for so long mirroring in her eyes. She opened herself up to him. And then she saw him smile. Her heart melted then and there. How had she ever thought she could live without him? That she would be able to keep her sanity if he was to never meet her again. She had been such a fool. But did it matter now? He bent his head towards her and she closed her eyes. He kissed her forehead lightly and then gathered her close to his heart. They stood there like that for some time. Or was it a long time she wasn't sure. The silence around them was comforting. The emotions they both felt weaving its magic, binding them together with invisible threads that were as delicate as they were strong.

"I need to apologize too," Kanak said softly breaking the beautiful moment and he lifted his head slightly to peer into her face questioningly. "You weren't the only one at fault that night..." and she would have said more but he put his finger to her lips.

"Forget about it," he said emotionally.

He hadn't been expecting her to say she loved him. He had never done anything to warrant such a strong emotion from her. But she did. And he wasn't going to question his good luck. And as he had looked into her eyes he had seen the truth of her simple words. Her face glowed with how she felt and her eyes shone with love. She had never looked more beautiful than how she looked now. And he felt humbled. But what he also recognized was the guilt in her. Though he didn't want to ruin the moment but it seemed mighty important to her. And he couldn't deny her. Not today. He sighed and indicated for her to speak.

"I doubted you," she said and lowered her gaze, "I don't know why? I knew it in my heart that I could trust you. Implicitly," she said and frowned, "and yet every time the need for me to show that trust arose I failed," she said biting her lip in upset, "that night I wanted to tell you how beautiful that moment we had shared had been, instead I unknowingly insulted you. Angered you. I hadn't wanted to. I don't know why I had feared my emotions. Why I hadn't been able to explain better," she said then taking in a deep breath she looked up and saw understanding in his gaze and she almost cried in relief, "I loved you," she said slowly and saw surprise flicker in his gaze, "but love without trust has no basis. I am sorry Aarav," she said with conviction, "I honestly am. And I promise I would never hurt you again," she whispered.

Aarav smiled. She was making a promise not realizing that there would be times when she might unknowingly hurt him again. It was a promise worth making but practically impossible keeping. Oh well, he will just have to control his reactions every time that possibility showed its face.

"Alright," he said and then wiping away the stray tear on her cheek he reluctantly let go of her. Because if he didn't he knew he would kiss her. And he wasn't willing to let things go out of hand again. At least not this soon. This was not the time for it. There were a lot of things to talk about, a lot of issues to be addressed. The biggest being his family. He had taken the step forward but how far will he be able to walk without pitfalls and roadblocks on the way he wasn't sure. And they needed to be sure they wanted to walk the road together. For that he needed her attention not her distraction. "I think we can safely say we are even on all accounts," he said and she looked up confused, "whether it is apologies or confessions," he said mischievously and saw her shake her head, "but on a serious note we need to get a few things out of our way," he told her, "and the sooner you get my coffee the faster we will be able to do that," he said arrogantly.

"Coffee?" Kanak repeated then realized they hadn't moved an inch since he had walked up to her and traced the curve of her jaw lazily. She smiled. "Sure," she said and turned to go back to the kitchen.

"And Kanak," he said seriously, "change that dress you are wearing," he ordered and she looked confused, "I agree the dress is very becoming but if you want me to focus, wear something ugly," he suggested, "otherwise I will not apologize again, no matter what happens," he said in no uncertain terms.

At first Kanak looked quizzically at him then as the meaning of his words became clear she felt her mouth open and then close as her brain fumbled to get the right answer out. And heat stained her cheeks. She felt strange. She wasn't embarrassed instead she realized she wouldn't mind if he actually went that route. And that made her blush profusely. Murmuring something about getting his coffee and changing she left at a speed a Cheetah would have been proud of. Aarav's laughter following her through the small apartment.

Destiny smiled happy, her efforts had paid off. It was a huge step in both their lives, now if only they could withstand the storm called Singhania's. But who knew what the future held in its grasp.


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