Chapter 63

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Kanak had deliberated over how to get in touch with Aarav after Pratiksha had left. And hadn't come up with one perfect way. She so wanted to talk to him. Not seeing or even hearing from him for so many days was driving her mad. In fact, she had had the crazy idea to barge into his office and scream her apology then beg him to forgive her. Of course, she had dismissed it then and there. She knew she will have to talk to him without making it obvious. She couldn't give away more of her feelings than was necessary right at the beginning. What if he bolted? He could do that. She had to tread carefully. For a man who avoided emotions like a plague most times or at least that was what he said, then she couldn't unleash the intensity of hers. The problem was how was she going to do it? She stood in her little enclosed balcony folding dried clothes contemplating her options when her phone rang. And she went inside quickly her heart pumping loudly with anticipation.

"Hello," she said a bit breathlessly.

"Hi di," Kanak heard Palak's excited voice on the other side and her hope fell.

"How are you?" Kanak asked casually.

She hadn't spoken to Palak since the day she had gone to her house. Almost nine days ago.

"Good," Palak said happily.

"Great," Kanak replied irritated with her sister.

"What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?" Palak asked casually.

"Nothing as of now," Kanak answered.

"Good," Palak said, "we announced our pregnancy to everyone the very next day of your visit and though initially my in-laws thought it was too early they are ecstatic about it now. And my mother in-law is throwing a party to announce the good news to all her friends tomorrow," she went on, "and she asked me to invite you too. Since mom and dad aren't here and you are the next closest family," she said.

"So I can congratulate you officially now," Kanak said finally. She hadn't liked the way Palak had invited her. It seemed as if she was doing a favor by extending the invitation. But she didn't say anything.

"Of course di," Palak said in a voice that suggested she was rolling her eyes on the other side. Though Kanak was glad she hadn't caught on to the sarcasm as yet.

"Congratulations," Kanak said drily.

"Thanks," Palak said animatedly, "by the way the theme of the party is formal. So wear something decent," Palak continued, "but just be careful that you don't decide to outshine me tomorrow," Palak pointed out, "you probably forgot that at my reception," she said unhappily, "it is supposed to be my event," she said as if reminding her.

Kanak was beyond irritation. Every time she spoke to her sister Palak complained about one thing or the other. And she was fast getting fed up of her theatrics. For now she controlled her temper.

"I don't need a reminder of whose event it is Palak," Kanak said with a bit of impatience, "as for your reception it had never been my intention to outshine anybody," she told her.

"Well, maybe it wasn't but you did," Palak said and Kanak was sure her sister made a face on the other side, "so please bear in mind that whatever you wear should be classy and up to standards only it should be less stylish," she advised.

"Let's do it this way," Kanak said angrily, "I will come in early and wish you and your family and then leave before your precious guests arrive. That way no matter what I wear you will still be the star of your party," she suggested.

"Don't be stupid di," Palak said impatiently, "what will everyone think? I have one sister, here in the city, and she didn't attend such an important party. If not of yourself at least think of me. What will my in-laws say?" she cried.

Kanak shook her head. She didn't know what to say to her sister. There was probably nothing. Her self-centered sister wouldn't either get the hint nor would she understand. Besides this will give her the opportunity of meeting Aarav again. And maybe she would be able to apologize to him. She couldn't let this pass her by. If everyone around her were looking for their selfish gains then she could be a bit selfish too. Not that she was going to say any of that to her sister.

"Fine," Kanak said on a deep breath, "I will dress properly, not outshine you and be at my best behavior," she told Palak sarcastically, "anything else," she asked.

"Nope," Palak said on a sigh of relief, "just be on time, it is a high tea and starts at three," she said with pride.

"I will be on time," Kanak said and saying bye kept the phone down.

She sighed loudly. What could she wear? She hadn't improved her wardrobe a whole lot. She will just have to go shopping again. She went inside and got ready. Then left for the market. Once there she wondered what could she buy that would appeal to Aarav? For a second she thought of taking help from Pratiksha but then decided against it. She needed to be confident in her own choices. She needed to know on her own what would make Aarav appreciate her look. She went around several shops till she found what she thought was perfect for her. Palak had said something formal. It did cost her a lot of money but it was worth it. Next she called her aunt and heard the excitement in her voice. So her uncle and aunt knew about Palak's pregnancy too. And her aunt gave her a list of things to take with her while going to visit Palak as per customs. Kanak went around gathering all the things required. After four and a half hours of roaming through the markets she came back home dead tired. But a part of her was very excited. Sometimes destiny did open avenues to get you a step closer to what your heart wants the most.

Question was will Kanak be able to avail the avenue or would she lose the opportunity?


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Love Finds a Way !!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora