Chapter 68

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 "Tired?" Kanak asked as she entered the room and saw Aarav deep in thought.

He smiled. And Kanak felt her throat constrict. What was it about him that made her heart race every time she laid eyes on him. He just grew more handsome by the passing second. Not to mention closer.

"Not really," he answered as he looked at her then shook his head and scratched his brow, "you seriously do not have a sense of dressing right," he said as he pointed towards her oversized t shirt with a huge smiley face in the center and green check pajamas.

Kanak looked down at herself then at him and grinned.

"I thought you said to not look tempting," she replied innocently, "I thought this should be the most non tempting attire I own," she said.

"Are you trying to play witty," Aarav said mischievously, "though a good attempt but I will have to disappoint you," he said and Kanak frowned slightly in confusion, "I have revised my opinion," he said and paused and she raised an eyebrow in question, "I guess I will find you tempting even in a sack," he told her and Kanak turned red.

She blushed profusely and lowered her gaze smiling shyly while Aarav roared with laughter even as he took the mug from her hand. She moved slowly to sit from across him but he caught hold of her wrist and made her sit next to him. As she did that she felt the heat of his body engulf her. She must have affected him too as he gently massaged the inside of her wrist before letting her hand go.

"Sorry," he said as he looked at his mug of steaming hot coffee, "I didn't want to make you conscious," he said on a sigh.

"You don't have to apologize Aarav," she replied gently putting her hand in his and lacing their fingers together, "I know you were teasing me," she told him and he smiled faintly, "I have always instinctually known that you would never harm me," she said and he looked at her quizzically and she shrugged, "I don't know how so don't ask me. I have always trusted you to know better but somehow...I guess I haven't been able to portray it as well," she admitted, "I guess it was more to do with my upbringing. Being raised in a small city by a traditional family with no parents I guess I started to treasure everyone else more than me," she said and stared at the television screen seeing a faint reflection of herself and Aarav sitting on the couch together. "I couldn't shrug off everything I had learnt. Because I had no one to call my own, no parents, no siblings I somehow never wanted to hurt anyone who was even remotely closer to me by mistake. So much so their opinions, their notions, their judgments became more important. I don't know if I am making any sense but if I reflect on who I am or why I am this way and not more like Palak is probably because of that very reason," she said and frowned wondering if Aarav would understand.

Aarav didn't say anything instead he just tightened his hold on her hand. He understood. She valued those who had taken her in, given her food, shelter and a good decent safe life. To her they were everything and probably everything they had taught her or they had believed in had become more significant than herself. To the point where her dreams, her wishes, her opinions didn't really matter. In order to give back what they had provided for her, in her desire to repay their kindness she had negated herself. What she didn't understand was that some forms of kindness could never be repaid.

"I do understand Kanak," he said patiently. His voice reassuring her. "I lost my father too and I had to be dependent on my aunts or uncle or even my grandfather at times for certain things. I did have my mother but there were instances when she was busy elsewhere. However, I was always taught that is what families are," he explained, "that is what determines who you can call your own. We stood together whether for show or for some other reason I can't say but I do know what I feel for each one of them. I do know that certain kindnesses cannot be repaid. Ever. We have all done something or the other at a certain moment for each other. That doesn't mean we forget ourselves while doing that. They are important but not everything," he told her matter of factly, "because with every relationship comes rights and duties. And they go hand in hand. Apart from that whatever we do is out of choice not out of pity or sympathy or any other pathetic emotion," he said strongly, "and I am sure what your uncle and aunt did was out of that very choice. They love you but not because you would give them something back in return later," he said firmly, "as for you, you needn't worry over my understanding anything you have to say because whether you believe it or not I know you much better than you know that pretty little head of yours," he finished arrogantly and then giving her a smile full of confidence he sipped his coffee and closed his eyes at the creamy smooth texture she had produced.

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