Chapter 13

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Kanak boarded the plane the next morning with a very busy Aarav and a very anxious Dhruv. They were travelling first class. Taking a flight somewhere was luxury enough but to travel in the best section of the plane was another story. The moment the plane took off Aarav opened his laptop and started working. The hostess brought him a glass of wine and with that he buried his nose in the screen. Kanak sat with Dhruv as she watched Aarav work her mind going over things that took place this morning.

She had woken early and taken a taxi to the airport. She had packed a small bag with only two changes of clothes and one night dress. She wasn't sure how long they were to be there Aarav hadn't told her when they would be returning. Come to think of it his name had come easily to her this morning considering till just last night he was Mr. Aarav Arrogant Singhania. Apparently she had reached before Aarav and Dhruv. Then she had waited for them to arrive. Soon after Mr. Arora had come and he had acknowledged her with a polite good morning. She had responded to the greeting with politeness too when Aarav's car came to a stop in front of them. Where Dhruv was dressed casually with a polo neck t shirt and jeans Aarav wore a linen jacket and casual trousers with a Chinese collar white shirt. And Kanak hadn't been able to stop herself from admiring him. If she knew anybody who could carry the Chinese collar shirt with ease and élan after Amitabh Bachchan, was Aarav Singhania. He had been on the phone since the time he had stepped out of his car all the way to the boarding gate. Mr. Arora had briefed her and Dhruv on their reservations and accommodation in Goa. Dhruv had gotten their boarding passes and checked in the overnight bags. They were to come back the next day she had found out. Dhruv had told her Aarav was in a strange mood as some Singaporean deal was in jeopardy. But Aarav's voice and expression hadn't told her anything about the seriousness of whatever problem he was facing. His voice was cool and calm and his expression was neutral. That was when Dhruv had informed her he was always like this when he was working, while everyone else would be tense or stressed he stayed cool. A great trait according to Dhruv. And Kanak had had no choice but to agree. Though she still thought him to be rude and infuriating. He was. He hadn't said a hello or hi to her just nodded his head and looked at his wrist watch as he had walked inside the airport. And Kanak had just followed them mutely. What could she say? She didn't know either of them from Adam. And when they had boarded the flight Aarav had asked for a separate seat and the flight attendant had obliged since few seats were empty and she had sat with Dhruv. Though she was sure had the flight been full the attendant would still have found him an empty seat. Kanak was a little irritated. Though why she felt that way she had no clue. She just hoped things would get sorted out soon and then everything would go back to being normal.

"Sorry," she heard Dhruv's voice and it brought her out of her thoughts, "about everything," he said apologetically, "this wasn't how we should have met. I hope things will settle down soon once we meet Palak," he told her and smiled.

Kanak looked at Dhruv. She had thought he had gone off to sleep. Apparently she had been wrong. She smiled not sure what he meant.

"Aarav can be a bit high handed sometimes," he went on as he shifted his gaze to his brother who sat a seat away from them, "getting you to come at such short notice..." he said and shook his head, "you must have been in a tight spot with your boss over this. Sorry for the inconvenience," he apologized again.

'A bit high handed', that was the understatement of the year Kanak thought. He was overbearing, rude, mean and overly high handed. And thanks to him she had lost her job. But she didn't say anything. She didn't know either brother. And so it would be wise to not voice her thoughts. Though Dhruv was much politer and nicer to talk to in comparison, no doubt.

"He seems to be working," Kanak responded.

"He is always working," Dhruv said and smiled, "even if he is without his wife his mind is constantly working over something or the other," he told her in a hushed voice.

"Wife?" Kanak whispered in surprise, "he is married?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes," Dhruv said lightly, "but not to a girl to that mean machine called a laptop," he said and grinned charmingly.

Kanak looked back at Aarav. His immaculate fingers typing something furiously on the screen. He was opening and closing windows so fast she wondered if he was actually reading anything. But then he ran a huge empire. If he didn't work how would things function? Poor thing she thought.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something?" Kanak asked as she looked back at Dhruv.

"Sure," Dhruv said smiling.

"Is he always this way?" she asked then explained as Dhruv frowned not sure of her meaning. "I mean is he always high handed and arrogant. Doesn't he share lighter moments?" she asked.

"Well, he has tons of responsibilities," Dhruv said thoughtfully, "and yes, he has always been this way. I know what you must be thinking and most times his arrogance is irritating but he is a gem of a person," he said softening his tone, "genius if you ask me. I have never known him to fail at anything," he said admiringly leaving no doubt in Kanak's mind of what Dhruv thought of his brother, "and it irks the entire family and me too. His bite is worse than his bark. If he has taken it into his head to do something he would do it regardless of the results. Strong headed and stubborn. And his anger..." he said and shook his head, "but he is the one who keeps us together, who makes sure we all live safely and stay away from trouble. You know Kanak," Dhruv said on a sigh, "sometimes I wish he would unwind just a little. Leave his work and relax just a bit, take things easy but I do understand a man of his position and importance cannot just put up his feet and sit on the beach," he said and smiled sardonically, "that way I feel lucky I am not him," he said.

Kanak was not very sure about what high profile executives did or how they managed their professional and personal lives but hearing Dhruv now, it seemed Aarav had no personal life. She felt sorry for him. Then she was reminded of all his threats and she decided to not let herself soften right away not till she finds out what the hell was happening.

"Is that why he keeps threatening? Though how threats work to keep people safe I have no clue," she muttered.

"Threats?" Dhruv said then laughed. "You have got to be kidding," he said and as Kanak looked at him quizzically he explained, "Didn't you hear a word I said, Aarav never threatens he does exactly what he says, that is what makes him ruthless when it comes to competition," he said and Kanak stared at him then at the man they were talking about. Thankfully he was still busy with whatever he was doing.

So if Aarav never gave idle threats that placed her and Palak in grave danger. If Palak had really stolen something and if she was unable to return it they were doomed. Oh man! Why did Palak have to mess up with Aarav Arrogant Singhania of all the people? She groaned and closed her eyes as she shook her head. She was going to be sick. He was no poor thing. He was someone who could very easily destroy her simple life and peace of mind with it and she had dumbly told him he would face consequences if his allegation was found false. What a fool? Not him, her. She opened her eyes and found herself turning pale as she found Aarav looking at her with a frown. She gave him a tentative smile. Hopefully he hadn't heard a word of their conversation. What if he had?

Kanak smothered another groan. She hoped she would be able to return whatever belonged to them and go back to living a normal life. Though it remained to be seen how she would live normally after knowing someone as enigmatic as Aarav Singhania.


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