Chapter 81

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"What is the meaning of this Rohini?" Kamlesh thundered.

Rohini sat quietly in the living room of their home. After she had spoken to Kanak and the girl had left she had received a call from Virendra to let her know about what Aarav had done in the meeting. He had hinted on resigning and there had been an uproar. For the first few minutes she hadn't been able to understand what Virendra had been saying. Her mind had gone numb. And the first thought had been that Aarav wasn't bluffing when he had told her something similar last night. And the next had been the question she had been fearing. Will she lose her son completely? But she had recovered quickly. Aarav had just made grounds ready for the actual action at a later date. There was still time. She had immediately asked Virendra to arrange for Kamlesh's travel. She had called papa and told him briefly about why his presence was urgently required here. Next, she had called Chitra to let her know what was going on and what to expect. The woman had been surprised. And that had given Rohini a boost. The simple fact that her son had come to her first to talk about what he wanted to do had acted like a quick balm on her hurt. She had never been insecure about Chitra's equation with Aarav. She knew they were close and she had always appreciated Chitra's affection and care for her son. But it just felt nice. She had finally called up Shilpa who had gone incessantly about how both sisters had trapped the sons of the family. Rohini hadn't had much time to listen to her assumed truths. So she had told her of the time she wanted everyone to be in the living room. Tanish had been the last one to be informed of the developments and he had walked in a bit late. And now they sat together where she had already told everyone of how Aarav has already left the house and has hinted on leaving the business as well. The problem was before them, they just needed to find a solution.

"He says he is in love papa," Rohini said quietly. She had managed to keep her composure so far and she hoped she would be able to do so further too.

"And you couldn't convince him otherwise," Kamlesh scoffed, "you seem to be losing your touch girl," he said bitingly but Rohini remained unmoved she had heard worse things from him, "for such a smart boy he sure is acting stupid," Kamlesh went on loudly, "for a mere girl he is ready to leave his family," he said angrily, "I will not have it Rohini. He is the future of our business and I will not have him cause unnecessary scandals. What is wrong with him?" he roared.

"Papa," Rohini said sternly, "please calm down," she said clearly, "I spoke to him but he seems adamant," she said with her head held high, "he insists he could be happy with no one else but Kanak," she said wondering if she was pleading her son's cause or just stating facts.

"That is ridiculous," Shilpa spat out, "what I don't understand is why are we even giving so much importance to either Aarav or Kanak," she argued, "as it is Aarav has done enough damage to both Dhruv and Sagarika's lives, he should have long been disinherited," she said angrily, "so if he wants to leave by choice he should. Papa," she said looking directly at Kamlesh, "you made the wrong choice in making him the head of both family and business," she accused, "now look where it has landed us all. He claimed he had wanted to save this family from scandal and so had gotten Dhruv and Palak married and look what he is doing himself," she cried.

"Kanak cannot become the daughter-in-law of this house Rohini," Kamlesh said firmly, "she may be a good girl but she is not at par with us in any way," he said categorically, "and get Aarav to see reason or else he will get what he is wishing for," he said looking at Rohini, "once he is cut off from us there will be no scope in hell for reconciliation," he warned, "I will not have my family's name dragged through those wretched columns and newspapers for one grandson's foolishness," he threatened.

Rohini looked at the stern face of her father-in-law. He was a tough man to be reasoned with and very obstinate. It seemed to run in the family. However, she also knew that once Kamlesh Singhania said something it was final. He wouldn't change his decision for anything. The only woman who could have changed his mind regarding things, her mother in-law, was long dead. Rohini knew she was part to be blamed for Kamlesh's stand regarding this issue. Because she herself wasn't very happy with the idea of Kanak and Aarav getting together. So how could she expect the other members of this family to be supportive? Was she really against the idea of their marriage or was it what she wanted to believe? Through the day as the hours had gone by she had gone over her conversation with Kanak again and again. The softly spoken words about finding common things instead of differences had repeated themselves in her head like a broken record. So much that even as she sat before her family trying to sort it out she was confused about what she really wanted. Kanak's understanding and maturity had shattered through the barriers Rohini was sure had existed prior to their meeting. She was a great girl. A good girl. But was she perfect for her son? Would she be able to bear the pressures attached to Aarav? What if she crumbled? What if she didn't? What if she made Aarav's life complete? The dilemma had only increased. She was unable to fight her insecurities and yet she couldn't lose her son. She was at an impasse and she hoped she would be able to make the right decision. Because even if somehow they were able to make Aarav bow down to their wishes, which was highly unlikely, she wasn't sure if he would remain the same. And that thought had only added to her worries.

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