Chapter 85

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Kanak looked gorgeous on her reception in her bottle green ensemble with antique gold work on a velvet fabric. She wore a beautiful anarkali ankle length suit designed for her by Sagarika. Her hair was piled on the top of her head. She wore the simplest possible jewelry and the glow on her face was natural considering her happiness. The man she had married that afternoon was looking no less than a demi God himself. And together they made a handsome pair. They had had a simple wedding at a temple and then thrown a huge party where they had invited all. Rohini proudly introduced Kanak to all their friends and family.

"Enjoying yourself," Aarav heard someone say and he turned towards the voice.

He watched Tanish saunter towards him with his famous lazy grin on his face. At Kanak's request he had worn a sherwani. Wonder how she had managed that feat. Tanish by rule never wore formal clothes to any occasion. Never. He did look good though a tad bit uncomfortable but good. And Chitra had been superhappy.

"Hi," Aarav said keeping his tone and expression neutral.

"I told you," Tanish said as he came to stand next to him, "your doom is near. You will soon be brought to your knees," he said arrogantly and smiled.

Aarav looked at him. When was he going to change? Apparently never. But he did know what he had done for him. If everyone had agreed to his marriage to Kanak it was because of him. And he owed his brother big time. Not that he was going to tell him that. He just knew that Tanish would need his help very soon. He smiled.

"So you did," Aarav replied, "and I told you I would send you the invite," he told Tanish just as arrogantly.

"And so you did," he told Aarav, "you have found a treasure," he said and looked where Kanak stood with Rohini meeting some of her friends and Aarav looked in the same direction as Tanish, "hope you know that," he said tartly.

"I do," Aarav responded his eyes on the two important ladies in his life. His mother had taken to Kanak like a long lost daughter. He could see the two bonding well already. Kamlesh had accepted Kanak in his usual gruff manner. Dhruv and Virendra had been nice and polite. Shilpa had her grudges but she seemed to be working on them. Palak was learning the path of being selfless. Though it was proving to be very difficult for her. The point was she was trying. As far as he was concerned things couldn't have been better. And he remembered the small request Kanak had made. He knew he couldn't refuse her anything. Though it was difficult and Tanish would laugh at him forever but...he took in a deep breath. "Thanks... for everything," Aarav said in a strange voice.

"Humbleness doesn't suit you bro," Tanish said lazily raising a brow at him.

"It was what Kanak had wanted me to say," Aarav replied casually, "it is said and done," he told Tanish even as he smiled.

Tanish looked at Aarav. There was something different about his brother since Kanak had become a part of his life. He was somehow more human now. More relaxed. Less edgy. Was it good? He wasn't sure. But Kanak was definitely a good influence on his brother. He was becoming a better person making it tougher for him to dislike Aarav. Tanish frowned. How was he supposed to keep up? Aarav hadn't lost his arrogance or sarcasm or other wonderful qualities he possessed he just chose not to display them as often. And he knew that Aarav meant his gratitude. Damn.

"I could say you are welcome," Tanish replied as if bored, "but I won't," he told his brother.

"You seem mighty unhappy," Aarav said looking at Tanish.

"Who would be happy in this stupid outfit?" Tanish complained on a grumble.

"So why are you wearing it?" Aarav asked him with a tongue in cheek expression.

"Because of your wife," Tanish said in irritation, "I had asked what gift she would like so it would save me the headache and she gave me this," he said and pointed out to his sherwani, "and asked me to wear it today and that would be her gift," he said with impatience, "How making me wear this ridiculous thing is a gift I don't understand?" he muttered.

Aarav burst out laughing, his voice booming and drawing attention to him. Those who had never even heard of Aarav Singhania laugh gawked at him in awe.

"There is nothing to laugh about," Tanish said even as he felt a genuine smile form on his lips. It was funny.

"If you say so," Aarav said his voice full of mirth, "by the way you are welcome," he told Tanish and tried to walk away.

"For what?" Tanish asked.

"For the thanks I would hear from you in the near future," Aarav said with a half-smile and turned to walk again.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Tanish asked with a frown this time.

"I heard that someone is not very happy with you," Aarav said politely.

"What is new in that," Tanish scoffed.

"I don't know," Aarav replied as if in thought, "just that this someone is mighty upset with you too," he said even as a wicked glint entered his eyes.

"If you think I am going to solve a riddle on your reception night you must be mistaken," Tanish replied sarcastically.

"Suit yourself," Aarav said and shrugged, "but you might need my help very soon, and this time my dear brother your doom approaches," he said and winked then almost walked away when Tanish asked unable to take the suspense.

"And who do you think is ready to bring me to my knees," Tanish asked with supreme arrogance as if he couldn't believe someone would dare even think that forget about actually putting it to action.

Aarav looked towards another group. And Tanish followed his gaze. The only person he recognized in that group was his new sister-in-law's old friend. Pratiksha. He looked back at Aarav who winked at him and turned around to walk all the way to his wife.

Tanish looked back at Pratiksha and his face lit up with a wolfish grin. So the cat thought she could tame the wolf. He will see about that. What had Aarav said? She disliked him. Well, then it was a challenge to change her opinion and a challenge he was willing to take and win. And if Aarav thought he would ever need his help then his brother had another thing coming. Just a few days ago he had settled the equality quotient he wasn't about to give Aarav the upper hand again. Not in this lifetime. With that he walked towards his target.

Aarav put his arm around Kanak's shoulders and squeezed them gently. She looked up at him smilingly when he gestured with his head towards something. She looked in the direction and laughed lightly as she watched her youngest brother in-law looking handsome as a devil in his sherwani have another round of heated conversation with Pratiksha. She had no idea why Aarav thought they were a match but if he thought so she would happily agree. She looked back at Aarav and he excused them from the group and then took her to the side then gave her a small envelope.

"What is this?" Kanak asked confused.

"See for yourself," he told her.

And wondering what it was she quickly opened it. There were two tickets inside. She took them out and felt her eyes go misty. He had arranged for them to go to Agra for two days. She remembered how she had told him she would love to go there. She looked at him. And he gently traced the curve of her cheek.

"Two days in your favorite place," he said adoringly, "the suite that has been booked has a perfect view of the Taj Mahal," he told her and watched her smile brighten her face, "after that we fly to Venice for a week," he said and she frowned a bit, "because I still think Taj Mahal is not a very romantic place," he said in his usual brusque tone, "it is a tomb for God's sake," he complained.

All Kanak saw was love, shining in his eyes even as he complained. What was she going to do with him? He was a devil through and through and no amount of lecture was going to change that. But he was a devil with a heart that beat only for her. And she loved him just the way he was. Who would have thought she would be able to capture his heart. He was hers. And he was her Aarav Sweetly Arrogant Singhania. For now. Forever.

Destiny smiled. Happy at being successful yet again.


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