Chapter 18

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Dhruv opened the door and peeped out. It didn't look good. Aarav stood by the door near the balcony with a glass in hand lost in thoughts while Kanak wasn't anywhere. He hoped she wasn't so upset she had left. He opened the door cautiously and walked out holding Palak's hand in his. It was the sound Palak made in her throat that brought Aarav's attention back on them.

He turned and narrowed his gaze as he quickly took in the couple before him. They looked glued to each other. Dhruv seemed to give him a brave front and Palak clutched Dhruv's arm for support. Aarav smiled cynically. This was great and it just kept getting better and better. He saw something sparkle in Palak's left hand. Damn, if Dhruv had proposed to her with a ring. Was he suicidal? Did Aarav have to ask? Smothering his need to curse his brother he walked back to where the couple stood.

"Kanak," Dhruv asked slowly, "she left?"

"You wish she did," Aarav said coldly and saw Palak huddle closer to Dhruv, "she is in the washroom trying to get over her virtuous sister's acts," he said sarcastically.

"Do you have to use that tone bhai," Dhruv complained.

"You are not out of the woods yet Dhruv," Aarav said as he straightened to his full height, "watch that tone or I just might throw you in the arena face to face with your mother," he warned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I wasn't complaining," Dhruv said in a mellow voice, "I am just requesting. As it is Palak is scared of you," he said and kept a hand on Palak's where she clutched his arm tightly.

"As it should be," Aarav said then as if in impatience with the two of them he waved for them to sit down, "sit. I will have to get my head examined for this," he muttered and sat on the couch.

When he didn't see the two of them move he glared at them. It seemed to get the response. They quickly occupied the other couch. Kanak walked in still looking upset. And Aarav scratched his brow. She was another one. In so many years he had never felt like comforting another soul unless it was Chitra or his own mother. Today, in a long long time he had felt the need to protect and comfort. Why? He hadn't been able to come up with one single answer to that question and it was driving him nuts. What was it about her? He couldn't put a finger to it and he was out of patience. He didn't need his life any more complicated than it already was. He was a busy man. He didn't even have time for meals most days and yet he had wanted to eat that dinner with her the other day. He had been irritated in the plane when she had talked to Dhruv and made him laugh. He had wanted to hug her and tell her it would be okay just a while ago. It was very rare things went past his armor but she had found the chink in it when she had told him about the loss of her parents. She had only been three. Did she even remember her parents? Did she remember any moment spent with them? How had she dealt with the blow? She had had an uncle and aunt to give her a home but was it the same? Hell, he still dealt with the loss from time to time. Seeing old photographs and remembering what little he could of his father Aarav still cried, alone. Not even his mother knew there were times when he craved his father was with him now. He knew his mother had wanted him to toughen up, she had taking on her husband's responsibilities and he had too but just sometimes...that was where his thoughts had been when Dhruv and Palak had walked in. He kept the glass he held in his hand on the table watching Kanak walk in, then pause as she realized they weren't alone anymore and stiffen. She was still coming to terms with it. He could say she was overreacting but maybe where she came from such things were looked down upon. He had already gathered she was a traditional one. Her clothes, her thoughts, the way she talked indicated her to be that. Unlike Palak. She was different. But it was Kanak's innocence and despite that her ability to stand tough that interested him. Wait, he wasn't interested in her. He was losing it. He cleared his throat to gain attention.

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