Chapter 16: Closer...

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Jackson, Jr and JB gave Papa and Mama Tuan an helping hand to clean up the house after the party.

I was still in the water with Mark. He swam to the other side of the pool, then moved and tipped his head around, like he was searching for something.

"Where are you?" he finally said.

I wandered quietly in the water, he didn't know where I was. I felt sorry at first, but it amused me.

"I'm here!" I shouted. He turned his head towards the direction of my voice.

I kept doing noises with the water so he could find me easily.

He headed towards me, coming closer and closer. I moved a bit so he wouldn't bump into me. He suddenly stood up near me.

"You're really good!"


"You had enjoyed your day uh? You have so many gifts."

"Yes. I think i didn't get yours yet?"

"Tomorrow. You'll get mine tomorrow. I did not forget."

"Cool! But, it doesn't really matter to me."


"Most of the gifts i got are things I already have and don't really need. For me, it's time spent with those I love the most that matters to me."

"We are the same. I never really had a birthday party with friends. It's much more fun than just having gifts..."

"Your birthday passed already?"

"No, i'm a december child!"

"Ah, maybe it'll change this year."

"I don't think so...whatever."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Hm, what is it?"

"If you don't mind, i would like to read your face."

"Hm? Read my face?...How?"

He then slowly came closer, in front of me. He carefully raised his hands and put them on my shoulders and went up.

"Like this..." he softly said.

He started with my hair, "...I knew you had medium length hair..."

He proceeded on my forehead, my eyebrows and, "I won't poke your eyes, don't worry."

I smiled a little. He knew what he was doing. So gentle.

He touched my turned-up nose, "Ah, cute little nose".

When I thought he would stop there, he softly touched my lips with his fingers. His fingers were so smooth, I gulped.

After, he continued on with my chin and my cheeks.

I found it fascinating. He was really into it, so focused. All I could do was staring at his handsome facial features. Sometimes, he would smile a little, which I found adorable.

"You have a beautiful face." he said with his deep and soft voice.

My face was still in his hands. My heart started beating so fast and my face felt hot suddenly.

An interesting way to say to someone she has a beautiful face just by the touch. I was flustered.

"Thank you." is all that came out of my mouth.

"What are you guys doing?" Jackson said coming out of nowhere. JB was behind him with Jr.

I dumbly pushed Mark away from me.

BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconceptions of Me | B o o k 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now