Chapter 22: Let's Not Fall in Love

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The exchanges were flowing naturally with jokes and a lot of laughter while taking our time to eat the big buffet Mama Tuan had prepared us.

No one made mention of Mark's sensitive reaction and, it was better like that. I think, in a certain way, they became used to it.

I would steal glances at Mark from time to time, merely smiling. The way he interacted with his nieces was such a lovely thing to watch. He would use an high pitched tone and wasn't afraid to downgrade his image to play with kids. I could see he really liked them a lot. One day, he'll be a great dad.

Being blind sure wasn't an handicap at all.

I got bored, so I kicked his feet under the table just for fun. I needed someone to play with me when conversation got boring.

He lifted his head up, eyebrows a bit frowned, trying to understand what I was doing. I put my hands on my mouth, hiding any large grin that could form on my face, satisfied.

He kicked my feet back, harder than me. After that, he grabbed them with his two long feet and swung them side to side. He had a little smirk on his face; he got his revenge on me.

"Melanie, do you like the food?" Mama Tuan asked me with a warm expression, head a bit inclined, waiting for my response calmly.

"Yes ma'am, it's really good."

"Have you already tasted taiwanese food before?" Tammy added, curious.

"It's only my second time eating it all thanks to Dorine and I really like it."

"Call me Mama, ok?" Mama Tuan interrupted.

"Ah, ok then...Mama." And, I faked a smile, cause I wasn't used to it yet.

"Do you know how to cook ?" Grace joined.

"Well, no..not really a lot. But, I would like to learn. My mom's busy, she ain't got time to teach me."

I envied those girls who could cook a bunch of things at my age. I'm 22 and I can't really make anything yet.

After the big meal, Mama brought some disk-shaped flaky pastries, ice cream and some fresh fruits to eat with.

Papa Tuan was the star of the every other night I guessed; he blurted out jokes everywhere. My belly hurted so much as I was falling more and more for him; he should be friend with my dad lol.

I finally could hear Mark's five years old high pitched laugh again. I missed it.

His family had a really strong bond. His parents were still together and all their kids seemed to be very happy. They ate on the same table, sharing stories and laughed together. What a beautiful family. Why don't I even have this beautiful picture at home?

Somehow, it always felt lonely.

"I think something's waiting for you Marky." Papa finally said.

Ah, the gift. I forgot about it.

We headed to the living room and I brought the steel cage closer to Mark, "So, I thought about what to give you. I thought a lot. When I got to know you better, I discovered your love for animals. So, on this..."

I pulled the blanket, revealing the cage.

"The white puppy!", Kylie screamed. The little dog began to bark.

Mark turned his head abruptly hearing this, "A puppy?"

I held the white fluffy animal in my arms and went in front of Mark, "Prepare your hands...", and I gave it to him.

BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconceptions of Me | B o o k 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now