Chapter 72: Awaken [part. 2]

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After cleaning up JB's room while ordering him to take a rest, Melanie did the most she could. She cleaned up the steps down to the main floor with gloves on and garbage bags by her side that Sooyoung provided her.

Melanie told this last one she would do all the work since her hands were hurt. At the same time, she felt a little awkward to be around after JB's family story. Therefore, Sooyoung would watch her from aside. She wanted to see JB but Melanie advised her he was resting and wanted to be alone. She already felt thankful to her for calming him down miraculously, and then, taking the initiative to clean the dirt by herself. 

Sora and Hwanhee passed the door while glancing around. When they left in a hurry, many hours ago, JB yelled at them and threw objects everywhere. He was uncontrollable then. They engaged in a heated argument along with Sooyoung protecting her sons. Two opposite clans were formed now. They had to be away for a while for JB to cool down because they were his target. Youngjae went to the park then because his fragile self couldn't endure the aching battle.

Now, they were speechless by the state of the house; everything returned as before, all cleanup, except it got a bit emptier. The photo frames had disappeared from the walls, only the pictures themselves were piled up on the coffee table. The plant in the entrance of the living room now stood in a white bag until the owners would buy a new pot. Some objects weren't there anymore.

Melanie suddenly appeared in front of them with two garbage bags in each hand; she needed to throw them outside. Sora raised her brow, flustered by her presence.

"What are you doing here?" she asked her, almost disgusted. Hwanhee was also perplexed but put a hand on Sora's shoulder to avoid an argument. Sooyoung hurried to the entrance at the sound of her sister's voice. She slid in front of Melanie protecting her from Sora.

"What are you doing?" Sora asked her sister. "You let that girl inside my house?"

Melanie remained expressionless. She wasn't scared and didn't feel intimidated by her like the first time they met.

"Can't you hear? Can't you see?" Sooyoung said. "She's the one who calmed JB and she even cleaned up all the mess when she didn't have too. She even did this." Sooyoung showed them her hands Melanie took care of.

"I don't care, I don't want her in my house," Sora said.

"Sora..." Hwanhee grabbed her arm.

Sora lifted her chin, showcasing her superiority while Melanie displayed a sardonic expression. She definitely hated her. "For all my respect, Mrs. Lim, I think you should watch the way you act and the words coming out from your mouth. I'm studying in Nursing you know. I think you have some problems here." She pointed her head. "And those problems hurt everyone here, especially JB. Thanks to you, he went insane and Youngjae is outside in the park all alone, crying. I don't know what you're trying to do with being all bossy or what your intentions are but I know you are no better than me."

Sora glared at her for a moment and suddenly felt intimidated by Melanie fixed gaze on her. Melanie put the garbage bags down.

"I'll go say bye to Jaebeom." She turned around and walked upstairs.

She pushed the door and found JB still laying on his bed, eyes closed. He must be tired after his burnout; it drained all of his energy. Melanie headed back to the door.

"Don't leave," he said.

She turned around and his eyes were completely opened.

"I have to go get Youngjae," she replied.

"I've called him already. I apologized and told him he could come back but he said he will stay away from home a bit more. He's with Yugyeom."

Melanie smiled as Youngjae was safe. His friendship with Yugyeom was lovely. "Good news."

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