Chapter 28: So, What Now?

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**Try to read the chapter with the youtube video above (slide the picture). I think it will be more sentimental. If you can't, it's not a big deal ;)** 


The ambulance siren echoed noisily in the heavy traffic trying to clear a path, warning the cars to get out of the way as fast as possible.

Melanie asleep, unconscious of the situation, was covered with blood all over her head and face. She looked so fragile and her skin, cold as ever. Well, it was dreadful to see her not moving at all...peacefully.

Next to her, panicking uncontrollably inside, Jr held her hand. Why am I the one who's always there when you collapse?

A while ago, he saw her from the window, acting quite weird and crying quietly. He wanted to join her outside, but that's when she fell brutally on the hard pavement. He rushed to her, like a déja vu. This time it was worst as he took notice of a sea of blood who kept getting bigger and bigger.

On the floor, Melanie was unresponsive, no movements no words. Jr's body heated up of panic rapidly as he understood it was a very urgent situation. He thought she surely broke her head during the shock and...she lost way too much blood. Too much.

Arrived at the ER, the medical team rushed to take her and ran in unison to the emergency room as she was now the priority. They were all talking aloud, indicating each other results and what to do next.

They installed iv in each of her arms, one with a solution, and took few blood tests to get analyzed. They also made sure her haemorrhage was under control. They watched her unstable vital signs on the monitor.

The surgeon saw Jr and without wasting anymore time, "How are you related to Miss Hill? I'll need your authorization to operate her. Her haemorrhage is really serious."

Jr looked at him dumbly and still in panic, "I-I-I'm her her fr-friend." he kept looking at him and Melanie with nervous eyes.

"Okay. I'll need your authorization Sir, if not she could die. She lost too much blood already and her vital signs are seriously unstable." The doctor was in such a hurry, talking so fast, causing Jr to not understand at least 50% of his words, but he responded with a spontaneous, "Yes! Go ahead!"

Words finally said, the doctor and his team went to the surgery room. When they passed with her in front of Jr, he looked at her with wide concerned eyes. She could...die, just like that.

A nurse came to him and asked him some personal information about Melanie. He tried to respond at the best of his knowledge about her. After that, he waited patiently, well not really, on a chair, both hands on his face, head down for about three hours.

When the surgeon got out of the room, he stood up immediately and walked up to him like an afraid little child who's going to get punish. The doctor took off his blue scrub hat and sighed deeply. Jr felt even more little in front of him.

"First, the surgery went really well. The brain is intact." Jr exhaled, relieved and now breathing better. "But, she has lost an important quantity of blood and she's still unconscious." Jr started to shake a little.

"We did several brain scans before and after the surgery to see what could be the reason. I first thought of the increased pressure due to the I searched for other causes when I checked her blood test and it seemed like she was anemic even before the incident. Per chance, did you know?"

Jr blinked his eyes, trying to hold his tears and gulped, "Um, no..."

"Anemia is when the red blood cell count gets too low or lacks hemoglobin, and that's her case. I think she had no idea of it cause I haven't seen any medical history about her. It's weird to me cause even if her anemia isn't severe, it's still is an important one. I wonder how she is in a daily basis. Have you remarked in Melanie some symptoms like easy fatigue and loss of energy, unusually rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and headache, dizziness, difficulty concentrating ? Or talked about it with you?" 

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