Chapter 32: Hugs & Kisses

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"What are you doing?" Melanie asked as she was getting bored.

"I'm almost finished, don't worry." he responded her immediately.

He needed to catch up on his works as he neglected them when he visited her everyday at the hospital. That time, Melanie was his only priority.

"Okay...take your time..." she finished with a sigh and grabbed Coco to play with, fascinated eyes still glued on the open books with Braille alphabet everywhere. Watching him feeling the dots characters, fingers sliding side to side, it kind of intrigued her. In a way, Mark attracted her even more...

Since her release from the hospital, she can't really do a lot of work like her doctor told her; he gave her 1 month and a half to fully recover at her own rhythm.

She has to regain her lost energy and now that she knows that she has anemia, she has to take medication everyday and be more aware of what she eats.

Now, she has no choice to be more careful. That said, she'll miss her fall semester...she won't graduate; no diploma this summer.

One plan postponed.

The guys have been really overprotecting to her, especially Mark.

"Have you take your medication this morning?" Mark asked her, still focusing on his homework.

Melanie heavily sighed, "...yes..."

"What that yes mean? It mean no right?"

"No! I took it already! Happy?" she slighty raised her voice to him, annoyed. He had the right to ask since she wouldn't take her medication the first few days; she hated the fact to swallow a pill like elders do every mornings and nights. Mark scolded her, being the protective guy he always is to her.

As a nurse to be, she's the one that used to give the pills to her patients at the hospital. Now, it's her turn and she feels like a disabled person.

"I trust you this know you have to take them. If I ever see you in a hospital bed again, i'll-"

"It won't happen, don't worry." she said softly, cutting him. A smile appeared on her face liking how he always protect her since the first time he promised her.

Melanie suddenly went closer to him, moving on all fours on the bed and gave him a quick peck on his cheek, then sitting right back to her place with a satisfying smile.

Mark flinched a little at the sudden act of affection cause he was so concentrated on his work. He blushed and the corners of his lips slowly curled up, showing that he really enjoyed it.

Seeing he didn't say anything, she gave him another one, but a bit longer this time. She liked to tease him like that; she felt in control.

Mark let out a slight "Ahh" and crisped as it tickled. Melanie giggled at his cute behavior. He immediately put away his laptop and books with Melanie watching his every moves, still grinning. Mark finally sat back down on his bed, facing her,

"What do you wanna do?"

Now that he was all ears to her, she didn't know what she wanted to do.

Rain was pouring outside with violent winds. Mark's parents will obviously have no choice but to stay at their friends house for a while before coming back home, same thing for Joey. Therefore, Mark and Melanie were stuck inside; there was no way to go outside in that weather.

Coco came to lay between the two of them and Mark caressed her fluffy back.

"...I don't know." she snorted, still thinking. After saying that, her belly complained as it grumbled in the room filled with silence, making Coco jump out of her place. Mark chuckled at the funny noise, "Well, we know what to do now."

BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconceptions of Me | B o o k 1 [EDITING]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن