Chapter 24: Inside Her Shell

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"Ahhh stop! JB stop!" Mark screamed, trying to get away from JB's grip. JB's arm around his neck, jokingly quarrelling together. "You ain't going nowhere! I got you now haha!!" He wouldn't let him go.

The mischievous Mark had attacked again; he played another one of his pranks to his favorite friend. It wasn't the first time though. He had already done simple pranks like:

A fart bag hiding under a cushion when his victim was about to sit. Or, a rubber snake he threw at him when he wasn't aware of it. A rubber spider in his mouth when he was sleeping mouth wide opened with the help of Jackson this time, or again, the false spider alarm; took an empty jar and loosen the lid and screamed "I think I've caught a huge spider!", dropped the jar and heard JB freaked out like a girl. I think this last one was his best so far, but he got beaten real hard. Well, that's affection.

One day, when JB came to his house, Mark made him a pasty orange juice substitute when he felt thirsty, saying "There's no juice in the fridge, I'll make you one instead!" Another day, Mark was really annoyed by JB and he didn't want him to come over but he came anyway. Before he came, he taped a "X" accross the bathroom doorway and posted a "Do not use" sign on the door. For this one, he got help of his brother Joey...What a partner in crime! JB had no choice but to return home, since he posted a number two.

To say he did all this without seeing anything, that's what made it even more ridiculously funny for him, and more embarrassing for JB; he got punked by his blind friend several times.

Right now, he just poured water in his hand, made a sneezing sound then threw the water on the back of JB's neck. Not really a big prank this time...just normal joking, you know.

On the floor, it looked like some kind of a street fight; JB's arms around the chest and his legs around Mark's legs, preventing him to move and escape. He had a large grin on his face while Mark was just laughing enjoying the combat. It felt great to see them play like that, like bestfriends, like brothers. It's been a while they haven't play like that,...a girl in their way.

"Hey! Hey! It's just water! Release me!"

"Water coming from your mouth, uh?!"

"Haha...No, no! From my bottle water! Hahahaha!! You can let me go now!"

"You little! You and your pranks!! You need to suffer too!!"

Mark just continued to convulse of happiness on the floor.

"Ya Coco! Come and bite him for me!" JB called Mark's little puppy to bite her master for a punishment. Coco just wandered around, sniffed and licked them. JB finally let go of Mark and they each could catch their breath again. Coco sniffed Mark before climbing on him. Mark caressed and pecked her.

Still on the floor, JB glanced at both of them, "Why Coco? I didn't ask you before why you had chosen this name."

"Coco? Coco it's for white, pure, rich, innocence, soft...that's the meaning."

"...I don't understand. I mean, how that name came into your mind...why Coco?"

"Ahh..." he smiled a little, "...umm, I just thought of Cocoa and removed the last letter, making it Coco. That's it. For me, it's still makes sense."

"Ah well, what a shame, cause it's still doesn't make sense for me."

"I first thought of Cocoa: brown, smooth and, keep you warm in the winter.Coco, from Coconut, the summer fruit which is white but also rich, smooth and keep you warm in the summer. They both have strong carapace in their original form; you can't easily open them as if they were hiding a special treasure. However, once they opened, you started exploring them and,... it's beauty itself."

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