Chapter 49: What A Mess!

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"Okay, don't forget people the exam is next week. You should prepare diligently," the teacher advised everyone. "You are now dismissed."

JB's mind was completely full. The exams were coming very soon and he had to get ready for the auditions which were also around the corner. At least, he earned a good grade mark for the project he did with Pamela which relaxed him a little.

Pamela threw him a simple smile implying the result for their project satisfied her, the only interaction they shared since the day he humiliated her in front of his mother.

After leaving his last class of the day, JB met Jackson at their gathering place. The urge to evacuate the stress pushed him to run to his workout buddy first.

"Do you wanna go to the gym with me? I'll pay for food after," JB tried to convince him.

"I can't. I have to go to Junior. You think he already went home, I don't see Mark either," Jackson expressed with a subtle nervous tone.

JB stared at him for a moment. "What's wrong?"

"I need a job. Do you think Junior will take me?"

JB raised his eyebrows as he was surprised. The first time ever Jackson mentioned about work. Between the four of them, Jackson's family was the richest therefore he never thought about ¸getting a job. Well, he wouldn't be able to since he had a packed daily schedule. 

JB was the second rich one. As the only child of his family, his parents somewhat spoiled him but he never acted like these rich arrogant children. 

"You're nervous to ask him?" JB asked.

"Well, it's more like I didn't want to at first, but I have to."

"It's so sudden. Will you even have time for that? I mean, you come to College, you go to the gym, you practice fencing most of time, travelling, and now a part-time job?"

"I have to do it now if not I'll never be able to. I want my first experience of a part-time job before it's too late."

"What are you talking about?" JB crossed his arms. The meaning behind this intrigued him adding that Jackson seemed determined.

"I've signed a contract with the fencing team of China. I won't stay here for long."

JB's eyes grew wide and he showed a genuine smile to his friend; he merited it. However, his smile slowly faded away, afraid of something. "How long?"

"I wanted to finish College year with all of us first. The winter semester will be my last one before I leave."

JB nodded. "Your dream is coming true. Congratulations!" he told him.  Jackson returned the smile and hugged him strongly with eyes closed. "Thanks bro." 

No more time to waste, JB accompagnied Jackson to the convenience store. He decided to skip his workout session for now and planned to head to the dance studio later to release his energy. 

In less than thirty minutes, they were in front of Junior' store. As soon as they entered, Junior's grandmother worked at the checkout.

"Hi, halmoni (grandmother)!" They both said together.

"Aigoo, my children! How are you?" She handed her delicate hands to touch them.

"Fine, halmoni!" They answered in sync. "Junior's there already?"

"Yea, somewhere in the back."

They strolled through the different hallways. They saw his mother first and greeted her. After that, further in the back they found Junior placing some articles in the refrigerators.

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