Chapter 87: Your Soulmate

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That same day, at night before sleep, the envelope rested on Melanie's bed waiting to be opened. She glanced every five seconds while nervously playing with her fingers.

It had been a hectic day for her. After JB's departure, Mary drove her to some place so they could take some fresh air, especially Melanie. She needed it. Then, they received thousand of calls from their boss. As they left without any notice, they ended up being suspended indefinitely from work without pay. A great gift for holidays.

Melanie had this urge to take out the frustrations and pain inside. She decided to go to the dance studio but it made her feel all weird without JB's presence. So, she walked home alone and confined herself inside of her room leaving the envelope by her side and once ready she would open it. It was already late at night and she didn't touch it at all. 

She sighed heavily and finally grabbed it. "What else can I do? I have no other choice." Her heart beat so fast as she teared up the paper and took out the exhaustive letter.

Hi Noona :))

If you are reading this right now it's that I finally left for Korea to pursue my dream. There are so many things I wanted to tell you but time has caught up I guess. We have been through many things together, isn't it? There would be much to say but I'll stop here and go straight to what I wanted to tell you. I think I know why we met again, and why we have to go through a separation once again.

We met because we needed each other at that moment of our life, to remember ourselves that we aren't alone and that that special person does exist and will always be there for us no matter where we are. We were lonely and lost. An emptiness in our hearts waiting for something to fill it again. The universe worked its magic so we could reunite once again. Perhaps, we were lost stars trying to light up the dark. It took some time to recognize each other but once we did, at least for me, I didn't want to let go even if my behavior showed the opposite at some times.

When I first saw you as we were going to the same college, I had a familiar feeling about you. I don't know what it was exactly but I just couldn't erase you out of my mind as if you were supposed to be there. My special crush. You were so intriguing to me and so beautiful yet I couldn't figure out those weird sensations I had inside of me everytime I saw you

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