Chapter 19: A Some Relationship?

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After JB's hand had been taken care of by the first aid team, were walking by the river, without any talking. We would steal glances at each other at times.

Today was a very good day; sunny but yet, not too hot. It was perfect. Families wandered everywhere, sharing memorable moments together. Couples were everywhere; laughing, talking with lovely eyes, whispering to each other, holding hands, hugging, kissing. A good day to enjoy a date with your loved one.

When will it be my turn?

I came here with my crush, who doesn't have any idea about it. Calling me mine or girlfriend to protect me from that jerk earlier. Even punching him straight to his face.

"Noona, you wanna do that?" ...callling me noona again. It's been a while.

"Hm, mwo? (what?)" I said with my first korean word of the day.

He pointed towards the paddle boats. Isn't this thing for couples?

"It's been a while since i've done that."

We headed towards those paddle boats and first wore a red life jacket. After we sat in one, we started pedaling without any rest. In the middle of the river, we slowed down and stopped pedaling.

We took a break.

I could hear the melody of the breeze, the clear water, the white birds flying in a clear blue sky and some ducks passing by, doing their daily routine. I felt at peace.

I took a look at JB, he was trying to move his painful hand a little, jaw clenched. 

"How's your hand now?"

"Oh, I feel better. Thanks."

"That's great then. It must be painful though..."

"I'm sorry, for earlier. I'm sincere...were you scared?"

"Yes I was. Totally...frightened." I then faced him, "That anger in your was no joke. I'm relieved he didn't punch you back."

I don't even want to imagine what could have happened...JB on the floor, bleeding. Am I imagining too much?

"You came, standing right in front of me, it could have been disastrous. Why you did that?"

" instinct. I didn't want you to get punched..."

"...but, you would get punched instead of me for trying to save me, you thought about that?"

Why was he like that? So serious suddenly...that nagging tone.

"I don't know, ask my body. My brain wasn't functional at that exact moment, only my body was."

"Well, be careful. I don't want you to get hurt for me or because of me. The man should protect the woman, not the other way."

"Okay.'s just...seeing you in would hurt me. I mean, seeing anyone in pain hurts."

I stared down and played with my fingers, waiting for his response anxiously after my last honest words I've just said.

He took too much time to say something, so I wanted to look at him again when my head suddenly stopped, flustered by what happened.

Warm pleasant, tender lips tickled my right cheek softly. His relaxed breath passing through my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Butterflies chose to drop a party down my stomach, dancing non-stop.

My body got hot really fast. A little smooch sound was heard, the lips touch fading away from my cheek. I could still feel his breath next to my face, as he was closer.

BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconceptions of Me | B o o k 1 [EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang