Chapter 55: Toronto

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The week became quite a busy one for everyone; school, and work. It was as if time couldn't wait a little longer and turned selfish.

Once again, Melanie had an exhausting day at work. Now comfortably installed on her bed, she surfed the internet for entertainment purpose since she had no school assignment. Melissa entered her room and laid on her bed.

"What do you want?" Melanie asked her.

Melissa put her head on the palm of her hand while looking at her sister whose stare was still directed on her laptop screen.

"Well, you know it's my last year in high school, right?"


"So, I was wondering if you would be able to help me buy my prom ticket since you have a job."

Melanie glared at her sister with a blank face. She completely forgot about her sister's prom, must be because she wasn't attending classes like everyone else nowadays or just got too distracted lately.

"I totally forgot about this! Have you ask mom?"

"Mom and dad will pay for my prom dress, half and half."

"Okay, deal! Tell me when you'll need the money, and please not last minute. I need to save money for myself too."

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, sis!" She jumped off the bed all happy and left the room before Melanie could ask if someone already asked her out for the prom yet. Next time.

She closed her laptop and switched to her phone but before she could do anything so, her stomach growled. At this late hour in the evening, she headed to the kitchen and heated up some leftovers from last meal. Right after this, she came back in her bed with a plate of chicken wings and a handful of vegetables to still keep it healthy.

A cute sound came from her phone meaning she received a message.

Chic Jae: What are you doing?

Mel: I'm eating chicken.

Chic Jae: Stop eating and watch this.

Mel: Watch what?

sends a video...

"Listen carefully."
(starts singing...)

Softly, with mood, warmly, tightly hug her
Use it once a day, every day

When your soft eyes meet hers, smile
So she can smile, hey what's up beauty, talk to her

Get up first in the morning, turning on jazz
Gentle kiss, I'll look at you

When you're too tired, take two bottles of soju
And honestly knock on her door

Sometimes, leave together without a plan
Let her breathe under a different sky, a different wind
Sometimes, kiss her without a plan
Just like the day I fell for you without reason

When it's time to sleep, with a low voice, quietly, make her tear as you say
Thank you so much, once a day, every day

BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconceptions of Me | B o o k 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now