Chapter 30: My Prince Charming

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[Don't play the instrumental yet. I'll tell you when.]


I felt my body rising into the air, feeling lighter, like a bird enjoying its own freedom.

I flew but still didn't know where I was cause my eyes wouldn't open just yet. When my two feet finally touched something hard and stable, I could open my eyes with ease.

All I saw was pure white everywhere I would turn my head. Nothing else on the horizon. I wasn't completely myself and thought I was dreaming. I started slapping myself to wake up and blinking my eyes several times, but I was still there. I pinched myself and it hurt so much it felt real.

"It's not a dream."

I heard a big voice saying above me. I looked up, but saw no one. I was so confused.

"Then, where am I?" I asked.

"You don't remember anything?"

The masculine voice echoed once again. I flickered my eyebrows, wondering what he was talking about. I heard him exhaled in desperation.

"Hm, you don't seem to remember..."

"Excuse me, but...I asked where I was. Where am I presently?"

"Well, it's white and you hear a voice talking to you. What does it seems to you?"

Eh? No, it's not...

"If you're talking about heaven, that's not my kind of heaven. And, why would it be? I'm not dead... Wait? You're GOD??"

What the hell is that?...

"Hahaha! Everyone I've met always tell me this...well, it's a bit annoying. I didn't say it was heaven and, no I'm not God, you just assumed it."

What a shame...was about to do a wish lol "Then, what is it?"

"The inner you...Healing your mind, body and soul. You are between life and death."

"Uhhh...okay. Can I go now?"

I closed my eyes as hard as I could, but I was still there.

"Well, it depends of you. You're presently in a deep comatose state."

A big cloud appeared in front of me. The view was blurry, but slowly became clear and...I could see myself on a hospital bed, visibly weak and a little messed up. The cloud suddenly vanished as fast as it came.

Now, I did remember. Crying and feeling dizzy until I hit my head first on the ground and then, nothing.

An odd sensation enveloped my whole body and, I don't know why but, I could hear people talk and crying. Someone's voice kept coming in my head and his touch, soft as ever; it comforted me. It's still wasn't clear who that exact person was.

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