Chapter 79: Commitments

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"Have you received any reply yet from JYP?" 

"No. I haven't received anything, same for Jackson. They might be too busy. Some day, next year." Junior chuckled bitterly. He was dancing in front of the mirror, releasing the stress from school, the store, and his mom's health condition. Mark, just sitting on the side, could feel Junior's passion; the feet making powerful noises on the floor. 

Mark and Junior met at Jackson's house a while ago. They finished eating some pizzas they ordered and chilled out in Jackson's basement. "Anyway, that's not what matters the most to me right now," he added as he thought about his sick mom.

Junior sat down, close to Mark, taking a break. He glanced at his friend while having a sip of his Sprite. Mark remained calm, like always, but Junior noticed how his face seemed to glow up more and a smile that showed up every now and then. It intrigued him.

"Have you thought of something yet for her birthday?" Junior asked.

Mark was the reason for their meeting. He wanted to do something special for Melanie's birthday.   

"I'm not sure. Isn't it why I called for your help?" Mark turned his attention to Junior before swallowing hard. "I wanna make it right this time. I don't wanna mess up everything."

Junior nodded understanding what he tried to say. Mark and Melanie, these two had been a rollercoaster ride of break up to make up.

"Sad JB isn't there. He could have been of some help."

"He couldn't make it today. We're three now. We'll surely find something," he said in a positive way. And, that gorgeous smile of his wouldn't disappear.

Junior gave him a curious look while smirking. "You're such in a good mood today," he said while getting closer. He squeezed Mark's shoulder as he asked in a teasing voice, "What's going on?" 

Spontaneously, Mark only released a giggle, avoiding to answer.

"Wow," Junior said and smiled even more at Mark's reaction; he looked way too happy. "You're hiding something. What's going on here?"

"Ok!" Jackson yelled. He finally arrived with his laptop in his hands. "We can start!" He sat down and lifted up the screen. Junior was impressed; Jackson looked like he made some serious research for the cause.

"What took you so long?" he asked him.

"Toilet business," Jackson replied. "You don't mess with business. It was a test but I could digest. Oh! I did a rhyme!"

Junior and Mark couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Mark, I think I've found something for you," Jackson said but he then nudged Junior to show him first the video he found. They both quietly chuckled.

"What?" Mark finally talked, wondering why they shut down their voices.

"Markie-pooooh!" Jackson shouted back. "You know you're known to be the best at acting cute?"

Mark snorted. "Like this," a cute sound then escaped from his mouth, attempting to act cute while closing his eyes.

"Please, don't do it to us," Junior joked. "But, Melanie will like it. She likes it when you act cute, isn't it?"

"Well, Mark is a born 'cute' guy. He's naturally cute, with a baby face," Jackson added.

"Baby angelic face. Angel! Angel!" Junior clapped loudly.

"Just the face, just the face," Jackson interrupted. "Everyone knows, excepted Melanie, that he's as corrupted as us inside," he let out his hyena laugh. "Just joking! Just joking! You're a charmer."

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