Chapter 64: Remain Hidden

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Everything returned to the way it was before the guys went to Toronto; the daily routine. They went to school and Melanie to work. No one stayed at home; even Youngjae got work to do at the store. It kept him active since JB attended college and his aunt and uncle drove to work each morning. Sooyoung remained alone at home. She occupied herself with other matters.

The mirror became her best friend, especially today. She dressed prettily in a gray mid-knee dress with long sleeves. She also wore black leggings to warm up her legs. Her red short hair was styled in her infamous bob haircut that she brushed carefully. BB cream added with a minimal use of makeup for a natural look, she beamed at her beautiful reflection in the glass. Once done, the door rang at the perfect time.

She rushed downstairs to answer the door.

Once she opened it, she screamed "Yeobo!" 

Hoyoung had a huge grin and laughed at Sooyoung when this last one pulled him inside the house strongly. When she closed the door, they stared at each other with the love the united them. Hoyoung noticed how his lady's beauty shined even with a natural look and in casual clothes. He fell completely in love again.

They hugged and shared a kiss.

Hoyoung let a breath of relief. "Jagiya, I've missed you."

"Me too. I'm so happy you made it." Sooyoung embraced his face in her soft hands.

Hoyoung peeped around. "So, this is your sister's house?"


"No one else is here?"

"Of course not. How would I invite you if they were all here?"

His glowing smile faded away at the reality of her words. "I'll have to meet them all soon, though."

"I know," she muttered gently. She squeezed his hand. "We have already talked about that over the phone. I told you I wanted to wait a little more. Jaebeom has been accepted to JYP and I don't want to destruct that happiness too soon. We should wait a few days more."

Hoyoung nodded. "Of course." 

He scanned the room to every angle to get a panoramic view to get a preview of the house JB lived in. His lips curled up slightly relieved to confirm with his own eyes that his son stayed in a good environment. Even when Hoyoung came all the way here, the neighborhood seemed quiet and safe.

"How are Jaebeom and Youngjae?" He asked.

"They're doing fine. They're great boys."

He turned back to his loving woman and held her hands. "That's a relief. Will you show me around?"

"Of course! Come with me, we have a lot to tell each other I think."

Sooyoung guided Hoyoung in every corner of the house. She told him every funny episode that happened between their sons, also how Sora and JB's relationship dropped some levels and how her sister hated her.

Sooyoung continued the visit. Everytime Hoyoung stopped at pictures of JB's childhood, it stabbed him in the heart. He wished he could go back in time and be the photographer of these pictures that told the story of his children's life. And also, to be the paternal figure next to them. The culpability ate him up. Sooyoung caressed his back to calm because she knew how he felt. She took him to the most important room...

"Here we are, finally." She motioned for him to come.

When Hoyoung stepped inside, she said "it's Jaebeom's room. Youngjae also sleeps in that room." The first thing that appeared on Hoyoung's face was a smile. He couldn't believe how clean and organized the room looked; a  young but manly theme. When he noticed a single bed he turned back to Sooyoung.

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