Chapter 75: December 1898

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Victorian Era
July 1896, London.

Her white heels tap-danced as she turned and turned around to the classic melody. The hoop skirt of her outfit slightly raised up like an umbrella as she swirled around the old room. As the tempo started to rise up, she jumped left and right while smiling. Music used to make her feel better whenever she felt the world turning against her.

Lost in her trance, she suddenly jumped, startled, when she heard someone clapping. She turned around and saw a tall man leaning against the door. He wore a charcoal gray tailored tuxedo, his top hat under his left arm. His brown loose curls at the top of his head parted slightly on one side with a face-framing fringe. A subtle smile appeared on his lips, showing off his squared jawline on a clean-shaven face. Appealing, and so manly.

"You're very talented," he spoke, a charming and rich voice with a deep tone.

Her eyes wandered around the room not able to maintain a simple eye-contact with the handsome teal eyes that observed her with such admiration. Also, it didn't feel completely right for her, a half-black woman, to look straight into his eyes. It could also be mistaken as being flirty. Him finding her dancing freely, she felt like she was about to be reprimanded.

"May I ask your name?" he asked. When he saw her watching the floor in embarrassment, acting shy, he walked forward and stopped two meters in front of her. He analyzed her from her updo hairstyle to her fragile pink gauze dress with a flower pattern on it which caught his eyes. The color married perfectly with the tone of her skin.

Her eyes finally pierced right into his and a warm feeling occured. This very moment was the continuation of their longtime and unconditional friendship shared upon several lives.

As she remained silent, he decided to present himself first.

"My name is Alistair Finlay." He bowed slightly and she raised her eyebrows in surprise by his manners.

"Adaline Murray," she said.

"Adaline. Well, that is lovely," he commented while staring at her. There was something different in his eyes. She found him different from the men she met before. He didn't even ask her her status. "So, tell me, Miss Adaline, how you come to know this place?"



"What about you?" She returned the question.

"I came to steal an object. Perhaps, a new ornament for one of my room."

Adaline was stunned by his honesty. Weirdly, she didn't feel tensed anymore. She gazed around the place; almost everything was hidden under big white drapes. She never touched them to see what was under them. She only came here for the pleasure of dancing.

"Oh? I see. And, what is the biggest thing you have ever stolen?" she asked with curiosity.

Alistair snorted. He found it amusing that she was interested in him as a thief. He liked it. Other women would call the cops, or run away. There was something in her eyes, a certain familiarity, that made him trust her. Maybe it was because they held the same world-weariness he saw in his own every morning looking at himself in the mirror. 

"I'm beginning to think I haven't stolen it yet."

Adaline tilted her head noticing his lips curling once again. That soft smile was very contagious.

"Ah, a charmer."

He was far from what she already encountered. He wasn't pretending, he wasn't arrogant either. For once, a man who was able to make her heart beat in a overwhelming way. No one ever did. She somewhat found it too absurd, this fast connection. Without wasting more time, she cleared her throat before saying, "If you don't see any inconvenience, I may leave now."

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