Chapter 40: Jealousy?

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*barks from Coco*

"Grrr... Coco can you keep quiet, I'm almost finished. We'll play after okay? Such a diva."

Well installed with his laptop on the bed, Mark tried to finish his homework before sending the final paper. He needed to hurry because it was Friday and he had to go out with Emma. She wanted to go shopping, again.

"Done." Mark sent his final work and collapsed on the floor to Coco enjoyment. He grabbed her to play with her, "Daddy's now free Coco."

Mama Tuan opened the door with the phone in her hand, "Marky, Tammy wants to invite us for a family day out tomorrow. Do you have any plans?"

Mark moved his head toward his mom's voice, "No, mom. I'll be free."

She added, "Your sister is also asking if you want to invite Melanie. She has not seen her since her hospitalization."

Mark sat straight up on the floor at the name of Melanie and started to think. "Maybe another time. Melanie... I don't think she'll be free," he stuttered a little.

"Oh okay. Next time I guess." His mom closed the door behind her while leaving the room. Mark exhaled in regrets.

*barks from Coco*

He took Coco in his hands and caressed her. "You miss your mom? I know, I miss her too. But, it's temporary. I promise."

He gave Coco a quick peck on her little muzzle. His phone rang with the voice pronouncing, "You have a phone call from Emma."

"Hey Marky! Where are you??"

"I'm home. Just finished my homework and I played with Coco."

"Oh, interesting. Why didn't you call? We're supposed to hang out."

"Because I was doing homework and Coco needed me."

"Coco is just a dog. Anyway, can you come and join me at the shopping mall? I came with Tzuyu."

"Okay, see you later."


What's more fun than doing errands with four guys at the shopping mall? JB and Youngjae needed last accessories for the wedding ceremony of tomorrow. Hwanhee, JB's father, had a mishap ; a meeting for tomorrow at work. Therefore, JB decided to invite Junior to replace him. After the argument he had with his mom, he didn't want to be left alone with her and his aunt Sooyoung. So yeah, Junior had to shop last minute for a suit. Jackson and Melanie were going to the judges of all the clothes and accessories they were going to buy.

After walking around for a while, they ordered a snack and sat together for a break.

"Let's take a group selfie!" Jackson suggested after they finished eating. He lifted up his phone in the air and searched for the best angle. Everyone gathered around him; Youngjae jailed by Jackson strong arm. Behind them, Melanie stood in between Junior and JB. They took different kind of poses; smiling, angry, funny faces, cool, etc.

The little friendly photo shoot, Jackson slid through the pictures and his face became blank. He discreetly turned his head somewhere else.

"Can we see them?" Junior and JB asked.

Jackson stepped back. "Wait, I need to do some editing."

"Why?" JB grimaced and snatched the phone out of his hands. Now having a look at them, he understood.

"Why, I look horrible?" Melanie asked.

"No, no. You're pretty," JB reassured her.

"Then what? Let me see."

BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconceptions of Me | B o o k 1 [EDITING]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن