Chapter 25: Love Impaired

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The hospital was always busy, an odd odor flowing in the air; a mix of clean sanitized floors and sickness germs. Melanie just got out, happy to end another week of her internship.
Her nightmare of yesterday had vanished when her supervisor told her this morning that her patient had naturally died. It meant, she wasn't at fault. Jr was right; it was time for that old man to go, he clearly couldn't handle it anymore.

The sun shined brightly and she wanted to hang out, taking advantage of that beautiful late afternoon. She still wasn't ready to see Jaebeom yet and, she knew Jackson had a fencing practice tonight. She immediately thought of Mark, even if she would have liked to see Jr to thank him for yesterday.

Trying to grab her phone in her stuffed handbag, she accidently bumped into someone. She lifted up her head and instantly went, "Oh, sorry!". The woman did the same, smiled and continued her way to the hospital. Melanie pulled a face, turned back to watch her walking away.

"Isn't it Jinyoung's mom?". She just shrugged, "..well, not my business."

After successfully grabbing her phone, she composed Mark's phone number right away.

"Hello?" he answered with his deep voice. That voice~

"Ni hao ma wo de peng you? (How are you my friend?)"

"Hen hao. Ni ne? (Very good. And you?)"

"Hen hao. Ni chi fan le ma? (Very good. You eat meal yet?)" She used the mandarin words Mark taught her. And, this one, about food, was her favorite.

"No." Suddenly returned speaking in english.

"Then let's go eat somewhere. Wo e le! (I'm hungry!)"

"Hahahaha, okay!"

"Meet me at Mikes! "

"Okay, see you there!"

At the restaurant, the host, an handsome built-up man with sleek black hair, wearing an all-black suit, guided Melanie to a table. He handed her the menu. Melanie told him she was waiting for someone before ordering anything. Twenty minutes after, she saw Mark entering the restaurant; she ran to go get him.

"Markyyy!" she squealed while approaching him, "Come, we already have a place."

At the table, now facing each other, Mark demanded her "You were craving italian food, don't you?"

"Ohh yes! I need some of my tasty pastas and pizzas right now. Italian food is love~"

"For me, it will only be pizza cause I hate spaghettis. The feeling in my mouth is weird. It's disgusting."

"For real, you hate spaghettis? You don't know what you're missing..." she shook her head, faking a disappointed face in front of him, even if he couldn't see. It amused her.

Melanie ordered linguine carbonara and Mark, the philly steak pizza, with her help. While waiting for their meals, they chatted about this and that, whatever went through their minds. Normal chatting between friends. They were more used to each other now, conversations flowing naturally...

The waiter placed their meals in front of them, and then he turned to Mark "Excuse me sir, do you need help with your plate or--" he asked hesitantly. Mark replied him calmly, "No. Thank you. I have someone with me." The waiter, relieved and pleased then said, "Bon appétit!". Both of them responded with a "Thanks!" in unison.

"Your fork is at your left and the knife, at your right.", she naturally indicated him.


Melanie was about to start eating when she peeped at Mark again with his plate. She carefully told him, "Um, your pizza isn't sliced, do you need help?", before rushing herself into his plate and cut it for him, like a mom would do to her child.

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