chapter 10.

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Dakota ferns pov

So that's how I ended up in angels dog pits. Aka, prison cell.

I'm not in here because I chose my brother, no I'm in here because he realised how dangerous I am.

I put my brother unconcious, killed seven hunter's and saved angels life. Turns out angel is as lethal as they say.

He tore apart eleven hunter's, he's got a cut on his arm but other than that he's fine.

After he killed eleven another ten jumped on him at once. I had to step in after killing the ones around me and help kill the ones around him.

Let's just say there was a lot of blood, guts, body parts at odd angles, limps ripped off and torn off flesh.

I'll probably have nightmares tonight.

But anyway he's locked me in this disgusting cell for however long he wants. I've tried to escape but it's no use, the bars are too close together to slide through and there's no windows or vents. Just concrete floors and walls although he did get someone to bring a bed down for me so that's a bonus.

Oh and let's not forget the chain around my ankles. It doesn't let me near the cell door so I can't even pick lock it.

Lying back in the bed I curl up on my side and pull the covers over my head. It's freezing down here, I feel sorry for anyone who has to endure this constantly.

Instead of sleep overtaking me I layed in the same position for hours. My skin not warming up the slightest.

My bones aching but I feel too cold to do anything about it. My teeth chatter as my skin turns a pale blue.

The sound of a door opening has me jump slightly.

Footsteps make their way towards me before the door to my cell is unlocked. It opens and it comes angel who looks tired and guilty.

He kneels down In front of my and pulls the covers away from me, I shiver and pull my legs and arms in closer.

He frowns deeply with his forehead creasing with worry. He gently presses his hand against my head, his skin feeling on fire compared to mine.

He quickly stands up and picks me up, cuddling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I thought it was for the best" he says concerned and carries me out of the prison house.

I shut my eyes tightly as the sun burns my eyes.

Minutes later we enter the pack house, the warmth surrounding my cold skin like a blanket.

He carries me up stairs and places me on the bed he grabs some thick wooly socks and two sets of pajamas. Suprisingly they're girls and all have tags on.

My heart melts, he payed for half a closer full of clothes for me. The other half is his clothes. I guess we're sharing a room now?

He helps me get undressed and into the clean clothes and socks. I'm dying to have a bath but I know I'm far to cold to have one.

He also grabs me a thick dressing gown and helps me into it.

"Thankyou" I whisper into his chest. He lays with his back slanted on the headboard and me pulled into his side. His large arms wrapped around me.

"You don't have to thank me" He says.

"I want to"

He stay quiet for a minute "you hungry?" He asks knowingly.

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