chapter 44

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~ chapter 44 ~

Blurred figures shot under me and through the forest. They made little noise as they ran but I still heard them. Anyone trained would have.

I quickly realised they were heading straight for angels land and sprinted after them, I was faster then them but they were already ahead of me.

My bare feet were hitting the ground with speed I had only used once before, but no sound came for them. My clothes were rugged and torn in places, covered in twigs and dirt.

My skin was filthy enough to be classed as a mouldy tree trunk. My hair was wild, uncombed and knotted to fuck, filled with leaves and other forest bits. I was a mess.

But I had no home. No place to sleep. If I cleaned myself off my scent would be trackable and I couldn't have that. So I'd rather stay filthy as horrible as it sounds.

I could hear them hissing with thirst and I knew I had to act fast.

Lunging at the one to the back I grab his body, dragging him back with me as the rest continue running. He struggled in my grip and broke free seconds later.

His nails swiped at me which I dodged luckily, I quickly dropped him to the ground and pinned him. He almost got away again but I ripped his head clean from his shoulders within a split second. Ending his life.

Throwing his head I sprint after the other four. Didn't take me long to catch up but they seemed to realise I wasn't one of them and all attacked at once.

I ducked from a punch while decking one from the left. My skin was sliced on my face as one of their nails caught me, I stomped on the neck of the one I decked in anger. Punching one square in the face I grab another in a choke hold, using my leg to take him to his knees and using my feet to hold him there.

His head smacked another in the face. One flew at me as I dodged two other attacks, I received a deep bite to my arm and a huge slash across the side of my ribs.

My blood soaked my clothes, I ignored the pain and continued to slowly kill the vampires while received some more punches and cuts.

It took 15 minutes of so to kill them all and by then I had lost a lot of blood, it ran down my legs like a waterfall. I would heal in a few hours but with the amount of blood I had lost already, I knew I needed to get help instead of finding the closest village of humans.

Angels land wasn't far from me, so I began my slow walk there. Doing my best to ignore the searing pain travelling through my body.

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