chapter 69

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1st day of 3

"Put yourselves in order! Weakest as the front and strongest at the back!" I ordered the packs. The microphone helping my voice to travel to the very back of the hall.

Everyone began to move trying to get to their row, it was harder for them due to the slightly small space. It took a few minutes for the packs to be in rows as said.

"Those under 16 raise your hand" I watched as hand after hand begin to raise, our numbers going down quickly.

About 350 had their hands raised and I nodded. The young looked fearful of my response as I remained silent for a minute.

"Make your way to the front" I ordered them.

When we leave to attack the vampire kingdom it would put this entire mansion at vulnerability. Anyone under the age of 16 would still be here when the vampires came, meaning that they would all be dead when we got back.

'How are we supposed to hide this many children?' I asked angel who moved to stand beside me.

'We don't. Give them your blood before we leave, I'm sure shadow or Dominic will stay behind to help them' angel responded trying to take some of my stress.

Stress is my strong point. I'm good with it.

'They won't. Even I ordered them to stay they would follow. We're bonded through the moon, wherever I go they go' I explained to him softly.

I could practically hear the ticking in his head as he thought over different solutions.

"In order to survive such a powerful enemy you must be injected with my blood. If you resist, you will be killed" I spoke to them all, informing them of what's to come.

Behind me rested a long wooden table covered with a white cloth, needles laid out in long rows for each person.

Even if they die, my blood will keep them alive.

"Why do we have to join a war that doesn't involve us?" Someone shouted from the crowd.

The alphas at the back glared at the person, already knowing that this had to be done.

"If not all of us then we fall, those who didn't join will become slaves to the vampires" I told them trying to remain calm.

"Being a slave is better than being killed" a woman snapped at me.

She stood in the middle of the crowd glaring at me. I looked down at her with a cold look.

"By slave I do not mean a person that cleans their houses. Those who think becoming their slave is the better option have no right to stand before me!" I snapped.

My words meant for them all even of my eyes remained on the female.

"If this threat is new how do you know so much about them? How do we know we can trust you? Alpha Bain has searched for you for years and now when this war comes you suddenly appear again?" Another voice came from the crowd.

They're turning against us.

They need to know.

"I know that it seems suspicious. My return is to protect my mate, my loyalty is with him. Not you, not your alphas or anyone stood below me. I am giving you the choice to become stronger than you could imagine, I am offering you my loyalty" I told them all.

"I know of the vampires and their ways because I had been alive longer than their king"

Shocked gasps echoed throughout the room. No of them understood just how powerful I am, they thought of me as a hybrid that killed.

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