chapter 13.

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Dakota ferns pov

Slamming her car door forcefully it causes her car to shake. Not bothering to apologise I storm inside the house with a glare firmly placed on my face.

Slamming his office door open It bangs against the wall. He winces and stands up from his desk, his eyes black so I know he's watching me.

"How could you?" I say quietly, my voice sounding hurt. I trusted him.

He winces again pain flashing in his eyes, before he walks towards me.

"I'm sor-"

"Your sorry? Do you realise how many times you've said that since I met you. It's starting to lose meaning"

"Let me e-"

"Let you explain? No. I trusted you steel, I trusted you! I actually thought that maybe you weren't so bad. Maybe we could have a future. How am I supposed to trust you when you went behind my back! It was for your ears only steel" I practically shout with rage. I'm not even thinking straight so I'm hoping I don't say something to hurt him.

He winces every time I call him steel, I've only called him angel since I've been here.

"I had to make a decisi-"

"Who the fuck are you?" I spit at the thing next to me.

She flicks her ratty hair with a smirk "I'm his mate"

I smirk glancing at angel to see him looking at her with a disgusted and hateful look.

"Really?" I ask with fake suprise. My blood boils to the point where it almost spilling.

"Yeah" she chirps making her way towards him. He growls at her but she doesn't stop and instead touches his muscled arms. Fucking cunt!

Before she can blink my fist smashes into her fake nose. She cries stumbling back "I take back what I said. This bitch is one I can kill and feel no remorse" I growl.

He grabs my hands making my head snap to him "take your fucking hands of me before I take them off perminently." I hiss coldly.

He slowly removes his hands "I can't let you kill her" he says stepping in front of me.

Pain shoots through my chest making me step back with hurt on my face. He frowns and moves towards me.

"Your choosing her over me?" I whisper backing away.

He shakes his head rapidly with wide eyes filled with panic.

"No, your my mate." He states trying to grab me.

"Leave me alone" I whisper before sprinting out of his office. His hurt face burning into my mind.

Heading up stairs I go to his bedroom and slam the door. Locking it I feel anger pulsate through me. Breathing deeply I close my eyes trying to calm down.

"Fuck!" I shout angrily, my hands smashing everything in sight. Pictures, ornaments, hell even the windows. Breathing out deeply I feel my anger sup side as pain registers in my hands. Looking down I frown and lift my hands up. There's glass sticking out of every inch of my skin. Small pieces and some fairly big.

Heading to his en suite I ignore the trashed room and look under the sink for a first aid kit. Grabbing it I start to pull the glass out slowly all the while gritting my teeth.

"Let me do it" His voice whispers making me jump.

I shake my head and carry on only to be stopped when a soft big hand gets in the way. He lifts me up and places me on the sink, I keep my head down.

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