chapter 26.

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"harder" I groan and angel grunts from behind me.

"I don't want to hurt you" he growls out.

"I don't care! It's feels good" I reply growling quietly.

"Fine but if I hurt you we're never doing this again" he tells me firmly and I nod.

No, we're doing anything sexual you dirty minded people. He's giving me a shoulder massage and damn his hands are good.

His hands press deeper into my shoulders and I groan quietly, his hands undo the knots in my shoulders which hurts a little but it feels like heaven afterwards.

My eyes close on their own and my body feels like I'm floating on a cloud, with pure relaxation.

"How about a bath?" He whispers in my ear sending shivers through me and I nod slowly with my eyes still closed. He kisses my shoulder making me smile slightly and he gets off the bed, heading into the bathroom to start the bath running.

A minute or two later the water stops running and he comes into the bedroom.

"Come on" he says amused and lifts me into his arms and carries me to the bathroom.

He places me in my feet and I look up at him, our eyes connect and he grabs the bottom of his white shirt I have on. He slowly unbuttons his shirt around me and his eyes stay connected to mine as he gently pushes the shirt down my arms off me, leaving me stood in only my lace panties.

He scrunches the shirt in his hands and drops it on the floor beside us. He slides his hands up my hips and I shiver under his warm touch. His eyes lower to my body and he takes in my mostly naked form making me blush as his gaze darkens with lust.

I grab the front of his black crisp shirt and untuck it from his trousers, unbutton it and reach up to push it from his shoulders and down his arms. He takes off his suit bottoms and his boxers, of course I blush at his nakedness and look away.

I slide off my panties earning a disaproving growl from my mate seeing as he wanted to take them off me himself.

"When were done here I'm drying you myself" he tells me with a wicked grin on his face making me blush. I nod in agreement because frankly, I can't be bothered to argue with him when I know I won't win this one.

"Sure. Now take me to the bath you peasant!" I order teasingly and he playfully winks at me with a grin making my heart melt.

"Of course my Queen" he replies growling quietly, he says my Queen possessively making happiness swell in my chest.

He swings me into his arms making me squeel and laugh in suprise at the speed he used. He chuckles quietly and steps into the huge bath, the heated water instantly comforting my skin as he sits down with me in between his legs.

Bubbles surround us smelling of strawberry and vanilla.

"big bad alpha my ass" I mutter smugly holding back my laugh and he pokes me gently in his side.

"What was that?" He taunts and I laugh.

"Your hair looks amazing today" I tell him batting my eyes probably making a huge idiot of myself.

He eyes me up for a few seconds before shaking his head, his eyes cast over as he zones off thoughtfully. This makes me frown.

I can feel his anger and stress and I wonder how I didn't notice it before?

"What's wrong?" I ask him concerned, it could possibly be the hunters again, or rogues or anyone seeing as I've got a huge hit over my head.

His eyes soften as he looks down at me and just like that he acts like there's nothing wrong, I don't think so buddy.

I could sense his hesitation and knew instantly who he was having problems with, call it a gut feeling.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your mate angel and your supposed to tell me when somethings bothering you. Especially when I'm the reason" I sigh, turning to him I straddle his muscular thighs and run one of my hands through his tousled hair. I smile when his eyes shut, a small groan sounding from the back of his throat.

"I didn't want to worry you, I can handle them. Don't blame this on yourself lana" he replies in a deep strained voice.

"Angel I don't need protection.-" he cuts in but i silence him wih my other hand and cover his mouth. "- You can't handle them on your own and you know that. We're equals, we're in this together. So now it's do or die. Are you with me?" I ask with a stern voice, his face becomes neutral and it makes my nerves hit a new high. How can someone so kind hearted and gorgous hold so much power? It effects me, but not in the ways it does with everyone else who crosses his path.

They practically piss themselves at the mention of his name, his sheer presence makes a pack fall silent within a split second. A normal alpha has an air of confidence and power, not angel. Angel oozes of power, forcing the strongest of alphas to bow to him. He reeks of male dominance and while he's been so kind and loving to me I know no matter how close he might be to his pack he'd never in a million years let them see him as anything other than their superior.

His dark nature doesn't show much around me, he's always smiling or grinning or laughing but I know he's got a dark side. All the pain he's caused me isn't even a pinch on what I know he can do, he's pure power. A true alpha.

While every race known to man bows to him, I find myself torn between two decision. To mate him, or to piss of him off.

Times when I might be in any slight danger is when he becomes cold, distant and well hateful. It's been quite a while since we had an argument, with all the stress of the pack, the rogues, the hunters and the unknown danger I have a feeling the arguing will be back in full swing soon.

"I don't need your damn help dakota." He fumes and pushes me away from him before climbing out of the tub. I ignore the twist in my heart and climb out as well, quickly wrapping a rope around my bubbled body.

So much for a relaxing bath.

By the time I slide my robe on I no longer sense angel in the bathroom, or the bedroom. Sighing I forcefully throw the robe to the floor and step back into the tub, running more hot water though.

Sinking into the hot comforting water I force myself to relax, arguing with anger is the last thing I want to do. My words may have seemed harsh because he's blind but that's not what I was saying, at all. If he went to kill them without me then he'd get injured, he has no idea what's he's up against. Sure he may be stronger than them, or 10 of them and even a hundred of them! But they have every weapon imaginable that will be either coated in wolf's bane or tainted with poisen.

I'm not a wolf, or a lycan like angel but I remember feeling the pain that ripped through my flesh when I wouldn't do something. I remember eating vervain plants, that's worse than 1000 young children shifting into their wolves for the first time, even then it doesn't cover the pain. Your tongue feels like acid has been poured into your mouth, only it heals rapidly as it continues to burn away at your flesh. Then your throat feels like it's been set on fire from the inside while somehow managing to keep you alive, your throat closes up and you slowly suffocate.

I'd go into a lot more detail on the whole experience but then I'd have to explain how they kept me alive in the process and I can't be bothered for that shit.

After a while I get washed and get out, the bath did nothing to sooth my frustration. I can feel angels fuming anger and it effects my own emotions, hence why I'm deciding to stay away from him for a while.

Angel rarely gets angry anymore and when he does I do my best to stay out of his way, we're both extremely hot tempered and one argument could destroy us both.

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