chapter 28.

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~ Chapter 28 ~

I stand near the window In my room, I've spent most of my time in here for the past nine days. He kicked me out of our room four days after his little tantrum.

I thought we would still be sleeping in the same bed, talking and laughing but I guess he was taught to handle his emotions more than I thought. He had a choice to love me. And he doesn't want to.

I haven't spoken a single word to anyone since the night in the tub, he was ignoring me and I shrugged it off thinking he's still angry. If only I had realised he'd blocked his side of the bond, his feelings and thoughts no longer cloud my own.

The pain in my heart is unbearable and I held onto my sanity as long as I could but after a week I let the coldness consume me. I had the strength to fight it but I didn't want to, I just wanted for the pain to stop.

A sharp knock on my door would normally suprise me slightly as I've had no company for the past two weeks.

The hunter side of me simply remained still of any emotion.

Opening the door I already know who it is, the maid that's been running around after steel.

"What?" I snap coldly, she trembles in fear and takes deep breaths to slow her hammering heart.

"A-alpha t-told to tell you t-that l-luna chloe and her m-mate will be c-coming for d-dinner. He t-thought you would w-want to see her l-luna" she tells me quietly, stuttering with fear under my empty yet cold dark eyes. My still stance probably scares the shit out of her as well.

Something inside of me pangs at my heart and I know it's sadness so I quickly shove it aside.

"What time?" I ask unblinking.

"Five thirty luna" she replies biting her lip nervously.

I nod and shut the door in her face. I have half an hour, no point in wearing something like a dress.

Instead I take a quick shower, pulling my hair into a messy bun I feel my mark itch slightly which worries me ever so slightly.

Never mind.

Heading into my closet I grab black skinny jeans, black undergarments, a black top and black vans.

Not bothering to look in the mirror I leave my room already knowing chloe is at the front door. I would've been late if not for my vampire speed, not that I cared anyway.

Using my inhuman speed I appear downstairs in record time, just as she knocks on the door I see steel opening the door to her. I stand at the top of the stairs looking down at them all, steel seems to notice me first from his tense body.

Chloe has no idea what's happened this past two weeks due to being with her mate.

"Dakota!" She squeels excitedly and I feel another pang hit my heart knowing I can't return her happiness.

"Chloe" I state smoothly, no smile, no warmness, just void of any emotion and cold.

She looks at me confused but shakes it off, her mate frowns slightly and looks up at me. In a matter of a second I'm at the bottom of the steps and he looks at me with a look of curiosity and surprise.

"I'm Gabriel, chloe tells me a lot about you" he states giving me a grin. I don't return it.

"Then you already know my name." I tell him with a distant voice. My heart tells me to fight the darkness, to not put anymore stress on anyone.

"She hasn't been sleeping properly" steel steps in with his deep voice and pain washes over me. Wasn't this whole hunter thing supposed to eliminate my pain?!

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