chapter 54

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~ Chapter 54 ~

The packs reaction to me being awake was the most dramatic one yet.

After they got over the initial shock of seeing me I told them to keep training.

I watched for a few minutes, their techniques were good, the force they used were good, the swiftness of their hits were good, and the way they hid their weak points were good.

But that was it. They needed to be flawless in everything they did. Their good wasn't good enough.

"Stop!" I call out annoyed. They did and stool beside their partner.

"You! Hit him again" I ordered a certain male, he turned to his partner and swung low punching him in his abdomen. The boy bent over slightly but he recovered quickly.

"You need force" I told him sliding my jacket off, angel took it from me flashing me a cute smirk. Heading towards the males I pulled the male away, he needed to see what a real hit looked like.

"I'm a little out of practice but this is what his reaction should be" I tell him before spinning the top half of my body towards his partner and punching his abdomen.

He bent over instantly on impact, he coughed wildly and breathed deeply as it winded him.

"See the difference? If he was your enemy it would save a lot of time fighting if that was his reaction. Meet me here tomorrow 7:30 am" I state firmly and he nods.

"Yes Luna"

"We have a war coming. Bigger than anything you've ever faced, bigger than I've ever faced! You WONT survive at your current fighting level! Your blood will stain the ground quicker than you'd think possible! Do you want to die?" I ask them all, a harsh glare was on my face.

"No Luna" they chorus.

"Then you need to train. Use your wolves I don't care but you need speed! You need power! Train until you drop, and even then don't give up! Showing weakness gets you killed. But if your lucky and you survive, your not really lucky. You'll wish you were dead, I promise you that" I glare, angel placed his hand on my hip and stepped up beside me. His touch soothed me and I knew he sensed the pain I felt when he almost died.

"Raise your hand if your mated" I tell them, severely hands go up in the air and I look at their faces.

"Train as much as you possibly can, but when the war comes. You do not fight, not unless your mates are fighting with you." I receive nods and they glance at each other with confusion.

"When the war comes you do not worry about the safety of anyone but yourself, your orders are your life. I will organize some training but until then continue" I order them before turning away, taking my jacket from angel I pass him and head for the mansion.

"Oh no you don't" angel chuckles grabbing me, restraining me from my mission. I fought against him but even with my immaculate strength I couldn't get away, I knew I shouldn't have given him the same gifts as me.

"Put me down!" I smack his arms as he lifts me into the air, he simply ignored me and carried me inside the pack house and towards the games room. We got stares obviously as nobody is used to seeing angel even smirk let alone laugh.

He threw me on the leather L shaped couch and I quickly jumped to my feet crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Unless you want my foot in your mouth, back the fuck off" I spat at him annoyed. He smirked ignoring my threat and advanced on me.

He reached for me which I dodged skillfully, spinning on my heels I bend over and swung my leg through the air. It hit his face hard and he stepped away groaning in pain.

"I warned you" I stated smugly crossing my arms. His jaw looked broken, but he'd heal in a few hours so its alright.

"I thought you were bluffing" he muttered sulking on the couch crossing his arms. He glared at me with an icy look which I returned.

"Baby, I don't bluff" I replied matter of factly while sitting beside him. His hand rested on my thigh moments later and I narrowed my eyes at it, it felt nice but I knew he was doing it to get a rise out of me.

"The next ones to your balls" I threatened.

"I missed you" he murmured leaning closer and my heart softened. He could easily make my emotions switch which I just realised. I turned my head towards him an leant the side of my face against the back of the cool leather.

"Everyone's watching us" I whispered to him like it was a secret, he grinned shrugging lightly.

"So? My life isn't worth anything without you with me, you're my life" he replied, his voice was honest and soft. It made my heart skip a beat because honestly now people, how many men do you know that would admit such a thing in front of a room full of people? People who think of him as the most frightening thing walking?

"Sounds like your proposing" I muttered amused and he laughed a little.

"Marriage includes something else..a miracle perhaps?" His answer was a question, one that I knew would come. After everything we've been through you'd expect some gratitude, but our miracle wasn't even close to appearing yet.

"Angel all we need right now, is each other...a baby will complicate things, and with the war..neither of us are ready to be parents" I told him, my voice was soft because I knew this was a sensitive subject and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

He sighed but nodded understandingly.

"We shou-"

I froze mid sentence. My smile disappearing, a deadly cold expression on my features. Angel stood instantly worried but in alpha mode.

"There's someone here" I hissed on my feet in a flash.



"Who?" He growled not fully understanding me, he was the strongest and oldest alpha in the world. But I was stronger, wiser, faster after all I was born with these abilities.

"I don't know" I replied. The three words I hated.

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