chapter 68

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"Why haven't you changed back yet?"

He kept pacing rapidly.

"Maybe it's a genetic disorder"

His mumblings continued as he burnt a hole into the plush carpet. I sat calmly on the small sofa while angel and the other alphas openly stared at me.

Nobody spoke but angel, although no one could really understand him.

"What are your parents names?"

"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at his abrupt unexpected demand.

"I need the names of everyone in your family, if I backtrack the bloodline I can find out why you've shifted into a form that you can't shift back from" he explained glancing over my new body with weariness.

He didn't like change, never has and never will.

"What if I don't want to shift back?" I asked stubbornly. He paused his steps and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I....suppose I can live with it" he grumbled clearly not liking the idea that much, but I know he'll accept me if I chose to remain this way.

"Believe it or not I do take your feelings and thoughts into consideration. I know you don't like change especially when it comes to me. I'm not so selfish as to spite you and stay like this" I sighed.

"If you like this form then make a decision based on what you want, I'll get used to it" he told me, moving to sit beside me.

His huge body almost crushing me. He realised this and quickly pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his hard muscular arms around me keeping me warm and tingly. He rests his chin on my shoulder as he glares ferociously at the alphas glancing at me.

"...i'm going to need those names" he told me softly, uncaring that the alphas had seen his soft side.

It almost made me smile knowing he didn't act all mighty and cold with me when around other powerful beings. Even if he is their king, almost anyway.

"If the moon thought this form was dangerous, she would have told me. I would have sensed the upcoming evil" I explained to him. He buried his face in my hair, breathing in my scent like it was fresh oxygen.

"Why do those strange symbols look burnt into your skin and yet they..hover?" One of the braver alphas asked leaning forwards in his seat.

They're all curious and didn't understand anything that they saw. 

"That's classified information" a man's voice snapped coldly.

Looking over to the man I suddenly found myself not on angels lap, but stood in the middle of a stone courtyard. Old pillars circled me, ancient symbols engraved into the worn stone.

" have returned to us after all this time" the voice floated through the air like silk. I spun around, feeling the soft silk fabric of a dress brush against my skin.

When the fuck did I put on a dress?

"When I play hide and seek, someone dies. You will be no different" I spoke, my voice echoed softly on the thin air around me.

A figure stepped out from behind the pillars. It was a man. I remembered him from the files.

Images flashed through my mind as I looked at him properly. Pictures of a past that I didn't know existed, wars and battles of blood shed with me leading. Every image held a sign of death, evil lurked within and that evil, was me.

I knew this man. He is a loyal and excellent soldier, one of my most trusted men. He is here to join me in war, the brutal blood bath that was almost here.

Blind LycanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα