Chapter 80

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"Marry me."

The words made me jolt back from him in shock, my mouth dropping open as I stare at him wide eyed. His face was serious, not showing the slightest bit of joking around. His eyes a dark inky black, watching my reaction to his question. He said it as if it was the easiest thing he's ever asked.

Most females would want romance, and petals and dinner, in a place that was both beautiful and somewhere they share memories. But I'm glad he didn't do any of that for me, he knows I'm not the type of woman for all that crap. Angel is everything, he's everyone's type I guess, but he chose me. And he's choosing me again.

"Marry you?" I repeat quietly, my voice almost mute it was that soft. I almost choked the words out once I found my voice.

"Say yes." He tells me with a soft grin, the bright sparkle of amusement and hope almost blinding me. I look into his black eyes, and without meaning to I look into his current thoughts, the memories that he keeps sacred to him. His memories show me images that play as if they're a movie, memories of myself smiling up at him with such love on my face, I didn't realise I even looked at him like that. That he was everything to me. Which he is. His memories flash to the time when I was laid in the bed next to him, a sheet wrapped around me, I was asleep on his chest. He must've been watching me sleep. Hundreds of images of me, but there were only a few that he kept close to his heart. To my surprise I found that when I was standing near Nico, when he first arrived and saw me standing there, in the centre of a wild storm, covered in blood, ready to fight to the death with whoever stood in my way. That was one of the memories he kept close to his heart. Because he saw the true strength within me, he saw the brutality I'm capable of if I put my mind to it, and he knew that I would be ok.

Reeling back out of his mind I stare into his eyes with awe, blinking in surprise. He looks at me with concern, probably due to the fact that I haven't answered him, I just sort of dazed at him blankly.

"Angel." I mutter catching his attention. Grabbing his face so he kept looking at me. He thought I was going to say no. "Of course I will marry you."

The words ignited something inside of him, like freedom. His eyes held so much emotion that I couldn't pick them apart, he just looked at me with complete and absolute love. Love that I didn't think I was capable of receiving. He held me closer to him, kissing with strong passion that I gladly returned, not at all fazed that hundreds of eyes were watching us.

"Uh..what do we do with the rest?" Lucifer awkwardly interrupts us with a loud cough. Giving Angel one single kiss I quickly jump from his tight grasp, and land on the floor swiftly.

My eyes looked over the big crowd of children, all different ages. The last of the vampire army stand as if they expect me to let them join me, because usually that's what would happen. The children ranged from 3 years to 16 years, not counting the baby Nico has. Approximately there's about 70-80 children.

"I know a place, for now they will come with us. As for the guards, burn them." I throw the guards a dirty glare as I speak directly to my brothers. They nod in agreement, immediately getting to work as they grab the soldiers one by one, slitting their throats open and tossing their dead bodies into a pile. Ready for a fire.

Circling my hands in the air I flick my wrists as I rub my thumb and forefinger together lightly, throwing air outwards in a swift motion.

"Everyone hold on, we're moving." I state giving them all a quick heads up before a purple bright glow suddenly blinds everyone, turning a bright white that made it impossible to see anything. And then we were at Angels land, finally back home. Except this time we have a load of vampire children, thousands of unsullied soldiers, over half of the Bain bloodline, and my little babies which I obviously didn't forget about.

My brothers had stayed behind to burn the bodies, ensuring that nobody can bring any of them back if given the power to do so. Lucifer is able to teleport so they'll be ok.

For now, everything is peaceful.

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