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Last night was interesting. Donnie fell asleep soon after Xavier came into the media room. Xavier and I stayed up watching Supernatural all day though I'm pretty sure Xavier spent the whole time looking at me. When it was night time Xavier helped me carry Donnie up to his room. Xavier went back to his room as I went to mine.

The next morning I got up and changed into a pair of black spandex shorts and a black sports bra. It was early in the morning so no one was up yet. I walked downstairs to the dance studio. I closed the door and turned on the light brightening up my favorite room in the house. I plugged my phone into my speaker and scrolled through my playlists to find a song.

I was about to play the song when the door opened. I turned around to see Xavier walking into the room and closing the door behind him. " I'm sorry did I wake you?"

He shook his head. "No dulce you didn't wake me. Is this all yours?"

I smiled and looked around the room. "Yeah. My dad had it built for me when he heard that I was spending the summer with him. He probably thought it would give me a reason to come visit him."

"So you're a dancer?" He asked. I nodded. "You any good?"

I smiled and nodded. "Very"

"Well can I see? I mean would you mind letting me watch?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Sure. I mean you're probably gonna be a better audience than Donnie."

He smiled and chuckled. "How's that?"

"Donnie would always talk and try to make me laugh. He'd only be quiet if he knew I was perfecting a dance for a competition." I laughed. "If you really want to watch than sit," I said pointing at the floor in the middle of the mirror.

He rose his eyebrow at me. "You want me to sit on the floor?"

I nodded. "Yes. What are you the queen of England?" I pulled him over by his shoulders and pushed him to sit where I wanted him.

He chuckled. "Not exactly dulce" I rose my eyebrow at him. He just shook his head and sat down where I wanted him.

I handed him my phone and turned it to the song I wanted. "Just press play when I tell you alright?" He nodded. I walked to the middle of the dance floor and got into my starting position. "Play"

He did as I asked and the music started. I started to dance to one of my old competition winners. It was a mildly sexual lyrical dance that won me first place at last year's national competition. When I danced it was an escape. When I danced I thought of nothing but my next move. I danced through the whole song as he watched me intently. When I was done he stood up and handed me a water bottle and my phone. "That was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen someone dance that well."

I chuckled. "Thank you." I drank half the bottle before setting it back down. "I umm I'm gonna do another dance if you wanna watch?"

He nodded. "I'd love too." he sat back down where he was before. I was flipping through songs when I heard the front door being slammed open. We looked at each other before he stood up. We walked out of the room and towards the front door.

Standing on all fours before us was a brown wolf with bright hazel eyes. "AHHH" I turned around and Xavier grabbed me holding me in his arms protectively. He turned us around moving his back towards the wolf. I looked over his shoulder and saw the wolf bow its head down respectively. "What the hell?" I whimpered.

"I'll take care of it. Go back into the studio and close the door," he whispered. He let me go and I ran back to the studio. I closed it but kept a crack open watching what Xavier was about to go. "Shift" he growled.

The wolf seemed to nod his head before I heard the sounds of what seemed to be bones cracking. Right in front of my eyes, I saw the wolf transform into a naked man. "What the fuck?"

Xavier turned around and looked at me. "Raven. It's not what it- i- I don't know what to say."

He started to step towards me but I put my hands up. " don't don't come near me." I walked along the wall and ran bolted upstairs. I banged on Donnie's door before running into my room.

I grabbed my suitcase and started throwing my clothes in when Donnie came into my room. "Raven, what's going on?"

"We're leaving," I told him. "Pack a bag and let's get the hell out of dodge."

"Raven just stop," he said. "What's happening?"

The door opened to reveal Xavier. "Raven just let me explain."

"No," I said. "Donnie I said we're leaving, "I shouted.

Ryan walked in and looked at the three of us confused. "What's going on?"

"She saw one of your men shift," said Xavier keeping his eyes on me. "There was nothing I could do."

Ryan sighed. "Fuck. Raven let me explain?" I was about to shake my head when he gave me a pleading look. "Please just give me five minutes?"

I looked between him and Xavier. "Five minutes but if I don't like what I hear Donnie and I are leaving and we aren't coming back."


Well, at least now she knows werewolves exist. If you like this chapter please vote! If you haven't already please check out my other books! Have a great day everyone!

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