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Thank you @eredwind for the feedback on my story! I'm glad you loved how real my stories are!

A wolf's pregnancy is completely different than a human's and that means a werewolf goes through the same. Wolves are pregnant anywhere between 63 and 75 days. I've been pregnant for 2 ½ months. Technically speaking I'm in my third trimester and I should be giving birth any day now. My body has been through a lot. I've been sick almost every day, I have crazy mood swings, and I've been in physical pain. It's much worse for me because I'm only half-wolf. Because of all the pain I've been in, my magic hasn't been working. Donnie got Serena pregnant around or during their mating ceremony as well so I've been going through this with her. She's been in a lot less pain and a lot hornier than me. Xavier hates how much pain I've been in. At night, he takes my pain away through the bond to let me sleep. It's been hard on both of us.

The one thing that has been getting both of us through this is the baby. Or should I say, babies. We found out when we went to a wolf doctor at a human hospital to check on the baby. I'm having twins. A boy and a girl. Xavier almost fainted when we found out. I was stunned. I was barely ready for one child and now we were having two. I never thought I'd be having kids at nineteen.

"I fucking hate this," I groaned. I laid my head on Xavier's lap. He gently ran his hand through my hair. The babies were kicking and my body was aching. I closed my eyes. "I want the babies out."

"I know dulce, it's going to be any day now." he gently ran the back of his hand along my cheek. I leaned into his touch. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

He chuckled. "It technically is."

"I know that," I giggled. "but I should've known my injection had expired. I should've gotten it replaced."

"Dulce?" he whispered. I hummed in response. He started running his hands through my hair again. "Do you regret going through with the pregnancy? Do you even want to have kids?"

I sat up. I turned my body to face him and grabbed his face in my hands. I laid my forehead against his. "I love you. Of course, I don't regret the kids. I could never regret carrying your kids." I gently kissed him. "I hate the pain I'm in right now but that doesn't mean I'll ever hate my children."

"I hate seeing you in so much pain," he whispered in a pained voice. I kissed him again. I laid my head back on his lap. I played with one of his hands while his other hand ran through my hair. I closed my eyes again. "I hate seeing you in so much pain."

"There isn't anything you can do."

"If you let me-"

"No, I don't want you taking my pain all the time," I said. He sighed. I opened my eyes back up to look at him. "It isn't fair to you."

"I don't mind taking your pain but I have another idea that the doctor told me about." I stayed silent letting him continue. He lifted my head off his lap. He set me up against the bed. I looked at him confused. "They call it the love hormone. It's released during sex."

"I don't know what-"

"Oxytocin is a natural pain reliever and it can also induce labor."

I smiled. I reached out my hand for him. He grabbed it and kissed it gently. "I'm in too much pain to have sex."

"No the doc even said not to have sex sex," he said. He sat next to me leaning forward. He kissed me gently. He took off my sweatpants and underwear. We haven't done anything in a while because of all the pain. I've been wanting to but there has been no point. "If you don't want to, we don't have to."

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