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Thank you @Lucyjones2015 I'm glad "The Princess and the Devil" is one of your favorites and that you love all the characters too much to pick a favorite!

I also want to take the time to thank everyone who has been reading this story! It isn't that popular but I am very grateful to everyone who has read this far! I am very close to finishing this story and when I do I will be posting two chapters a week!

Draco pressed his hands against my snake tattoo closing his eyes. He brought one hand up to touch my forehead. "Draco, what's wrong with my powers?"


He continued touching various parts of my body with one hand and the tattoo with the other. Xavier was standing at the door with his arms crossed. He knew better than to question Draco but didn't like his touching me. "Draco?"

He sighed opening his eyes. "You said Simon healed you after every beating?"

I nodded. "He used my magic."

"Physically, my dear, you're fine," he said brushing back my hair. "Mentally, it's a different story." I looked at him confused. "You can remember all the pain endured over the last few days yet you don't feel it anymore. Your magic is controlled by your emotions. Your mind is in pain so your magic is in pain."

"How do I fix it?"

"That I don't know my dear. You must find a way to convince your mind that you are healed and safe."

"But I do know that."

"Do you?" he questioned. He stood up and softly pressed his lips against my forehead. "I'm glad you're safe my dear."

"Thank you for saving me."

"I always will." he pinched my cheek and walked over to Xavier. They shook hands. Draco leaned next to his ear whispering something to him. Xavier nodded.

Xavier came over to me as Draco left the hotel room. He sat at the edge of the bed. "What did Draco say?"

"That if this persists, he'll reach out to some people he knows who might be able to help."

His eyes kept changing from blue to gold then back to blue. "Xavier are you alright?" I asked reaching out for him. He quickly stood up backing away from me. "What's wrong?"

"Zeus wants something that he doesn't need and he's fighting me on it."

"What does he want?"

"Simon touched you all over. Zeus and I can smell his touch on you."

"So you won't touch me?" I asked. He sighed. "What are you fighting Zeus on?"

"He wants you clean."

I looked at him confused. "So you want me to shower?"

"Cleaned a different way, Dulce. Wolves don't clean with showers." My eyes widened understanding what he means. He came over to me and touched my cheek. "I'd only let him do it if you were okay with it." I nodded. He stripped out of his clothes. "You can tell him to stop at any time."

He shifted into his wolf. I smiled at him. "Hi Zeus." he walked towards me on all fours tugging at my clothes with his teeth. I took off my clothes, throwing them to the side. Zeus licked from my foot up to my knee. "This is gross." he did the same thing to my other leg. When his tongue hit between my legs, I jumped back. "Zeus no!" he growled at me. "Don't you growl at me. He didn't touch me there." he barked and I glared at him. He licked up my stomach, chest, and arms. I cringed as he licked my face. "Okay love," I pet his head. "Can I have Xavier back?"

He nodded. He shifted back into Xavier on top of me. "You okay?"

"That was pretty disgusting and now I'm gonna go take a real shower." he rolled off of me letting me stand up. I reached out my hand. "Wanna join me?"

He grabbed my hand standing up. He picked me up and walked us into the bathroom. He set me on the counter as he turned the water on. When the tub was nice and warm and filled up he picked me back up. He climbed in and sat me in between his legs. I laid back into his chest closing my eyes. "Before I forget, your father asked if we come to his house for a few days."

"Sure I wouldn't mind seeing them."

He kissed my shoulder. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

"He's my father, whether I like it or not, and anyways I miss Piper." He squeezed me tighter and put his face against my mark. "Xavier are you alright? Me getting taken couldn't have been easy for you."

"It wasn't," he whispered. "Not only could I feel the physical pain you went through, but Artemis also wouldn't stop calling out to me."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for what he did. None of that was your fault. But he should've died for what he did."

"You and Draco both think death is a better punishment than what I gave him." I leaned further back into him. I interlocked our fingers kissing the back of his hand. "I don't think I ever thanked you for saving me."

"Draco did all the hard work."

"Yeah but you tried and also went through all the work of organizing everything." I turned my head kissing his cheek. "So thank you." he kissed the back of my head. "I love you."

"And I love you, Dulce, to Lun and back."

"I still don't know the story of Lun," I said. "Can you tell me?"

"The world was created by five gods, the sun god Solis, the moon goddess Lun who you met, the Earth goddess Terra, the sky Caelum, and death itself, Mortum. They created life, all forms of it. Lun and Solis created the light creatures consisting of Light witches, fairies, wooden nymphs, elves, mermaids, leprechauns Etc."

"Leprechauns are real?"

"Yes, now pay attention. Solis was in love with Lun but Lun and Mortum were in love."

"Ooo a love triangle."

He chuckled. "Together Lun and Mortum created the creatures of the night, werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, dragons, etc. They had a child."


"Solis was Furious, so he banished her away from Mortum and into space with him. Solis refused to give her up and Mortum wanted to rage war. The gods, in order to protect the world, agreed that Solis and Mortum couldn't have Lun. The gods made a vow to never take form on Earth."

"But Lun possessed Alice," I said. "Isn't that taking form on earth?"

"I don't think she was allowed to do that. Anyways, Terra took form as the Earth itself while Caelum took form as the sky. Solis became the actual sun and Lun became the Moon. Mortum was banished to the underworld."

"That's not a happy story like I thought it would be."

"Our world isn't cupcakes and rainbows."

"With you it is."


So this was mostly a filler chapter but whatever. Make sure if you haven't already to check out my two completed stories "The Princess and the Devil" and "Don't Mess With the Queen"! If you loved those two stories make sure to follow me for updates on my third book in Gang Love series which will be coming out soon!

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