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I was flipping through channels on the new TV in our bedroom. When I found Supernatural, I set the remote down. I scrolled through Instagram as I listened to the episode of Supernatural in the background. The bedroom door opened. I didn't look up, already knowing who it was by his smell. "Morning dulce."

"You never came to bed."

"I couldn't," he said walking over to me. He set a tray with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes topped with bananas and grapes beside me. "Lorenzo and I had to prepare for someone's arrival. But I brought you breakfast as an apology."

I started eating the food despite my being annoyed at him. It was very tasty making me less and less mad at him with every bite. "Who's coming?"

"Well for one Donnie is arriving in about an hour." He said. I smiled at him. He took that as an okay to sit beside me on the bed. "And Queen Alvina will be here tonight."

"Who's Queen Alvina?" I asked. Before he got a chance to speak I held up my hand. "Wait, better question, what is Queen Alvina?"

He chuckled. "Alvina is the Queen of the Fairies and fae, she requested to visit us."

"A fairy?" I laughed. "Do you mean to tell me Tinkerbell is coming over?"

He squinted his eyes. "I don't know who Tinkerbell is but yes Alvina is the oldest and most powerful fairy." He placed his arm around my waist as I continued eating. "She doesn't interact with other beings, she believes she is above everyone."

"Sounds like someone I know," I mumbled. He raised his eyebrow at me. He grabbed my plate and held it away from me. "Okay okay, I'm sorry," I whined. He placed it back down in front of me. "So why is she coming here?"

"She says she has information that she believes to be important. It must be if she is leaving the fairy realm."

I moved my plate to the edge of the bed before climbing into his lap. "What can she do? I mean you said she was powerful."

"Her mind is within the past, present, and future." He said holding me against him. "She is essentially all-knowing but she is kind of all over the place." He ran his hand through my hair pulling it to one side. He pressed his lips against my neck. "I don't think she has left the fairy realm since the birth of witch princess and she only went because of the amount of magic that was produced in the world from the baby."

"So she isn't dangerous?" He nodded. "But she's a weird hermit?"

He chuckled. "I suppose that's a way to describe her." He picked me up and set me down on the bed. "Go get dressed in something nice for her arrival."

I nodded. He leaned down grabbing my chin between his fingers. I pressed my lips against his. He moved his hands to my hips and laid me down. Climbing on top of me he kissed down my neck. I moaned as he sucked on the crook of my neck. He rolled us over. I straddled his lap kissing him back. He sat up and kissed down my throat. "Xavier."

I ran my hand through his hair. He squeezed my thighs rolling my hips against his. He groaned. He grabbed my waist. He stopped his movements and laid his forehead against my chest. "I'm going to kill Lorenzo."

I brushed his hair back. "Is everything okay?" I breathed out. We were both breathing heavily.

"Donnie is here." He whispered. "He's in the throne room if you wanna go see him."

I climbed off his lap and pulled him to stand up. I pecked his lips. "Can I teleport us?" I asked.

He nodded. "Dulce, you're welcome to use your magic as you please." I grabbed his hands and relaxed. "Welcome back."

Beauty and the Beast... Well Not Exactly✔️Where stories live. Discover now