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"Donnie!" I screamed shaking him. "C'mon honey wake up." Ryan ran over and pulled me away from Donnie. "Get off of me!"

"Raven we need to get him to a hospital." He said.

A couple of men went to go grab Donnie. "Get away from him!" I growled.

"Raven they are gonna get him to the hospital," Ryan said.

Piper walked over to me and gave me a pair of sweats and a hoodie. "C'mon I'll drive you to the hospital. We can meet them there."

I threw on the hoodie and sweats before Piper and I ran to her car. She drove us behind the guys that were taking Donnie. We made it to the hospital and I ran in after Donnie. The doctors were wheeling him to the emergency room. I grabbed Donnie's hand and walked with them. When they were in the operating room the nurse stopped me. "I'm sorry miss you can't go in there."

"No, he's my best friend. Please."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry you'll have to wait until he's out of surgery."

She closed the doors and I went over to sit on the chairs in the waiting room. Piper and my dad came in and sat next to me. "Are you okay?"

"he's my family," I whispered. "Daddy I can't lose him."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. "He'll be alright baby girl."

I sighed and put my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. A few minutes later I smelled the pine tree and peppermint scent of Xavier enter the room. I looked up to see Xavier and Lorenzo standing at the front of the waiting room. I stood up. "You son of a bitch," I screamed as I lunged for him.

I knocked him to the floor and started punching him. Someone pulled me off of him and put me in my dad's arms. "Dulce I'm sorry." He said wiping the blood from his nose.

"Sorry? You're sorry?" I sneered. "Oh, I'm gonna make you sorry." My dad held me back as I tried to get to Xavier.

"Raven I'm sorry." He said. "When I saw you dancing with him I couldn't stop myself."

"You're a son of a bitch you know that?"

He nodded. "I'm sorry."

I scoffed. "Sorry ain't gonna cut it."

"Raven- "

"Don't speak," I growled. "Understand this. If Donnie doesn't make it; king or not mate or not, I will kill you."

I walked back over to the chair and sat down. Xavier and Lorenzo sat down a few chairs away from me. Xavier kept his eyes trained on me as we waited for Donnie to get out of surgery. About an hour later the nurse from before came out. I stood up and walked over to her. "He made it through the surgery but he had a lot of internal bleeding. We were able to stop it but the scratches and bites were extremely deep and did somehow hurt his intestines. We did all we can, we'll just have to see how his body reacts. I must ask, has he been attacked before?"

I nodded. "Yes, we both were about six years ago." I turned and pulled down the hoodie a bit to show my scars.

"Yes the scarring, it's truly a miracle you both made it out alive."

I tilted my head confused. "Excuse me?"

"Well we had a look at his and assuming yours matches those scratches were so deep it should have ripped you both apart as it did to Donald today," she said. "He's resting now but you may go see him."

I smiled. "Thank you." I walked to the private room where Donnie was. Donnie opened his eyes and sat up a bit. He smiled at me. "Hey, duck."

He coughed. "Hey, little bird. You look like crap."

I shook my head tears coming to my eyes. "I look like crap? Have you seen yourself lately?"

He chuckled. "Please Rave. I still have girls lining up the doors."

I smiled. "Whatever you say." I walked over to the chair next to his bed. I sat down and grabbed his hand. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." I whimpered kissing his knuckles.

He sighed. "Don't apologize Ravy."

My eyes started tearing up and laid my head on his lap. "It's all my fault. He attacked you cause I was dancing on you. It's all my fault D."

He ran his fingers in my hair. "No, it isn't. Raven the doctors told me they don't know if i'm gonna make it and if I do I might not walk again."

I raised my head up and shook my head. "No don't you dare talk like that. I just lost my mother I can't lose you too. You will be fine, you're gonna heal and everything will be okay."

"Raven- "

I grabbed his hand and touched the side of his face. "You will be fine." a moment later glowing light started coming out of my hands. The light surrounded his entire body before absorbing into his skin. A moment later his wounds were healing and closing up.

Donnie looked down with his jaw dropped open. He pulled back the blanket and stood up. "Holy shit Ravy. how did you- "

"I don't know," I whispered. "I don't how I did that."

"Rave your mom was a witch right?" he asked. "You got wolf genes from your dad so you must have gotten witch genes from your mom."

"This is crazy," I said. "I'm half werewolf half-witch. What's next? I'm part vampire?"

He chuckled. "I don't know Rave. but we'll figure it out... together."


Oh thank the gods, he's alive. I already knew that but you all didn't. Make sure to vote and comment! And go check out my other stories on my profile, if you like gang/mafia love stories then I promise you will love them!

Beauty and the Beast... Well Not Exactly✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin