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"Introducing King Xavier and his newfound mate, Raven." Xavier put his arm out for me to hold as we go down the stairs. I straightened myself up and grabbed the end of my dress with one hand and held the railing with the other. Xavier growled softly.

I walked down the stairs with Xavier following beside me. At the bottom of the stairs, Xavier grabbed my waist and held me against him. "You're disrespecting me." He growled digging his fingers into my hip.

I whimpered against him from the pain he was inflicting. "You're hurting me" I whispered.

He loosened his grip on me and his features softened. "I'm sorry dulce."  He moved his hand to the small of my back and guided me over to his parents and sister standing on some sort of stage with chairs behind them.

Xavier bowed his head at his mother and father. He kissed the back of his sister's hand. I curtsied. "Your majesties," I said respectively.

Serena smiled. "You look gorgeous."

I smiled. "As do you." she wore a strapless floor-length shimmery dark purple ball gown with a small diamond tiara resting on the top of her braided head.

We moved to stand next to his sister. Maggie and Lorenzo walked down the steps and over to us. Lorenzo bowed as Maggie curtsied. She wore a long nude satin pink off the shoulder dress with a silver embellished belt sewn onto the seam of the waist with her hair pulled to one side. I winked at Maggie and she smiled before they walked off the stage. "We just have to meet the other Kings and queens then we can sit. Do you know all their names?"

I shook my head. "No"

"And why is that? Didn't you listen to your lesson yesterday?" He asked.

I scoffed. "No Maggie and I got bored, we watched supernatural."

He growled lightly. "I expected one thing from you and you can't even do that."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't control me. And if you wanted me to learn you shouldn't have a boring old man teach us. Now it doesn't matter if I don't know who they are so calm down."

He was about to scold me when the first woman came up to us. She was an older African American woman with beautiful dark brown eyes. "Xavier, how are you darling?"

He kissed her knuckles and smiled at her. "Queen Ursa I'm so glad you could make it. Allow me to introduce my mate Raven Warren."

I curtsied. "It's Raven Steele actually but it's nice to meet you, your majesty."

She smiled at me. "Raven this is the bear queen. She a good friend of the family." Said Xavier.

My eyes widened. "You're a bear?"

Xavier pinched my hip hard as Ursa just laughed. "Yes, darling I am. It's lovely to meet you, we can talk later."

Next was a man and another woman. The man had long blonde hair and with dominating brown eyes. The woman had short red hair and pretty green eyes. "This is King Leo and Queen Tigris." They bowed as I curtsied.

"You must be Raven it's nice to meet you." Said Tigris.

I smiled. "It's nice to meet you as well. May I ask what you are?" I said as politely as possible.

"I'm a lion and she's a tiger." Said Leo.

"Cool." they continued walking to Xavier's parents. "So who's next?"

"King Vulpe of the foxes." I nodded and curtsied as he came up to us.

"Miss Raven it's nice to meet you." said vulpe. He was a short man but seemed powerful in his Statute.

Beauty and the Beast... Well Not Exactly✔️Where stories live. Discover now