1) School Supplies

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Today marked of 4 days left of summer holidays. To say I wasn't looking forward to school would be an understatement. I couldn't find any excitement in going back to school, only to listen to teachers all day whilst sitting in an uncomfortable chair. This year would be different, I was starting high school, but that didn't stop me from complaining about it. 

We hadn't bought any of the supplies we needed for classes yet, so Hunter suggested that we went today. Apparently there was a sale on school books too. 

Starting year 7 this year was a big thing for my family since I was the youngest and I was growing. Three of my brothers are there; Lachie in year 9, Olli in year 11 and Jaxon in year 12.

Lachie is a cool academic. He loves science and anything that comes out of a factual book, although will never talk about it, but also loves football, which makes him athletically built, just like the rest of the boys. Apparently he gets attention from girls, but I don't pay much attention to that. The thought of anyone dating my brother was gross. 

Olli is the most quiet but nice. He has a big group of friends at school which he spends a lot of time with on the holidays and weekends. He also loves football and is on the school firsts team with Jaxon.

Jaxon is the brother I fight and argue with the most, but he's also closest with me. He's not an academic at all and I can find something annoying in everything he does. As much as we fight, I generally trust him the most. It's unsaid, but I know he would cave and do anything for me if it came to it. Hunter is the same, of course, but Jaxon doesn't make rules like him. 

Hunter is the oldest, about ten years older than me. He's the strongest and the only one who really enforces any rules in our household. He tends to be more gentle on me, since I'm the youngest of five kids and the only girl. We're close and he's always there if anyone needs him. Hunter recently finished University and is about six months in at his first job as a family lawyer. He's passionate about his job which is why he loves it so much. After our parents passed away, he had to fight hard to gain custody of all of us, especially me since I was so young at the time. I think it's a good income too, since he's the only one providing money for a family of five. 

Nearly 3 years ago my parents were in a car accident and were hit front-on by a drunk driver. That's when Hunter had to fight to become the legal guardian of Lachie, Olli, Jaxon and I.

"Are those the right ones?" Hunter asked me after a dropped a pile of textbooks into the basket. 

"I think so." I said,  even though I really had no clue. High school and primary school books couldn't be more different. 

"Are you sure?" When I shook my head, he asked, "Lachie can you check please?" And sighed. I was pretty useless when it came to this. I was only interested in the pretty stationary and he knew it. "You're not getting anything else until we have this sorted." 

Lachie went through the books I had grabbed and checked them off against the school booklist. Thankfully I had grabbed all the right ones. Hunter calmed down slightly then, so we continued shopping to get other necessities, such as rainbow fineliners. 

I ended up buying a few zip-up folders and some new stationery, which I had to beg Hunter for. After a good fifteen minutes of non-stop begging, he eventually gave in to. I got new sticky notes, pens, highlighters, glue-sticks, scissors and this expensive calculator. I didn't understand why I needed one since nobody used calculators anymore and we had them on our phones. Hunter wanted me to use the one that Jaxon or Olli had, but they had both lost theirs and Lachie still needed his, so we had to pay the forty dollars for a new one. That didn't help Hunter's already stroppy mood. 

After Jaxon, Olli and Lachie found everything that they needed, we payed and got back in the car to go home. In total, everything cost over two hundred dollars, which didn't seem to faze Hunter but certainly shocked me. 

"Hunter?" I said, keeping it sweet and polite.

"Yes Olivia?" He replied, the smirk visible through his tone. He obviously knew I wanted something and decided to just make it harder for me to get it.

"DON'T call me that!" I snapped back at him, trying to control my volume. I wasn't going to get him, or anything of the other boys get to me right now. 

"What do you want?"

"Can we please, please, please get ice-cream?" I begged, looking into the rear-view mirror whilst batting my eyelashes. 

"That's a great idea." Echoed Olli, trying to help me out. 

"I don't know, why should we?" Asked Hunter. He was in an annoying mood. 

"Because it's hot and I want ice cream. Simple as that." I explained concisely. 

"Okay, we're not far. Piccolina is only two minutes from here."

"Yay!" I cheered but quickly stopped when Jaxon slapped my leg. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" I whined, glaring at him.

"Shut up, you're too loud!" Complained Jaxon, shuffling further towards the window, away from me. I just shuffled closer. 

"Someone is grumpy today." I stated whilst rolling my eyes. He turned around and hit me again.

"Just sit there and keep your mouth shut."He growled at me.

"Why should I?" I pushed him.

"Otherwise this will happen." He started cracking his knuckles, his body tensing up whilst he stared at me with an entirely blank face. I started squirming in my seat and scooting as far away from him as I could, even though I was confined in a car. Then he just stopped and let his body relax again.

"Scaredy cat." He mumbled whilst chuckling and smirking to himself. Everyone else started to laugh.

"Am not!"

"Sure, baby." Jaxon rolled his eyes.

"My name is Livi, not baby, thankyou very much." And with that, I got out of the car. We had arrived at Picollina and I felt like a four-year-old at a toy store. I was shaking so much that Hunter told me he would take me home if I didn't calm down. That was obviously very effective.

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