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Madison's POV


"Hey Madi,

I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party with me tonight?

Let me know asap (:


Erm, is this a date? Probably not, it's just a party Madison. Chill.

I'll go. Even though I don't feel like doing shit, shocker, maybe going to a party once isn't so bad.

"Sure, what time?
Mads. xx" I reply.

What should I wear? Looking through my closet and realizing I have no dresses, I sigh.

Maybe a romper will do? I mentally make a note to myself to go dress shopping.

I grab my plain black romper and some black pumps from my closet and put them on my bed. Nothing special, just plain and simple.

I walk into my bathroom and turn on my straightener. This is going to take a while.


"You look amazing." Alex compliments as were driving to wherever this party is.

"Thanks, you dont look bad yourself." I retort, hiding my grin.

I hear his faint chuckle while I'm looking out the window at nothing particularly interesting.

Soon, we pull into a driveway of a humongous house, with tons of people everywhere. Theres a guy sprawled out on the lawn, probably passed out from drinking so god damn much.

"Come on, lets go inside." He smiles, and I force one back.

The minute I step foot in the house, I'm hit with a stench that fucking reaks. People dancing everywhere and girls are wearing dresses that barely cover their ass. Oh, Alex, why would you think I'd like this?

He grabs my hand and I cling as close to him as I can while we walk.

"Alex, man! Get your ass over here bro!" Some random guys shouts, but I can sense its in a friendly manner.

"Tyler, how are you man?" Alex greets the boy who I now know is Tyler with a bro hug.

Tyler was okay looking- dirty blonde hair with blue eyes, not as tan as Alex, kinda short, cute dimples.

"Good, good," he brings his gaze towards me, "And who would this beauty be?" he questions, making me flush.

"My date, Madison." he slides his hand around my waist and gives it a tight squeeze. So this is a date, hmm. If this is what he thinks is a good first impression, he obviously doesnt seem like the romantic type. I pout at the thought.

Stop being tight, Madison. Go with the flow for a bit.

"Nice to meet you Madison. Im Tyler, but you probably know that by now." he stuck out his hand and I gratefully shook it.

"You as well, but please, call me Madi." I add.

"Surely, so you guys-" he pointed to a table set up with a bunch of different drinks and flicked his eyes from there to us. "Drinks?"

"Ladies first." Alex gestures to me.

Hmm, I know Im underaged but its not like I havent had a drink before.

"Just a little vodka with cranberry, please." I murmur.

"Surely, you've got anything in mind AC?" Tyler asks. AC...I'll have to ask him about that nickname another time.

"I'll take what Madi got too, but make it a double. Thanks bro." Alex turns to me and smiles, leaving a soft kiss on my forehead as Tyler turns around to make our drinks.


Im shocked with myself, I'm actually dancing with Alex. Hes a little tipsy, but I'm having a lot of fun right now. 3005 by Childish Gambino is blasting throughout the whole house, and I cant help but sway my hips.

I feel Alex come behind me and put his hands around my waist. Everything is going just peachy, untill I feel him try and move against my bum. I freeze and I can feel my palms sweat.


"Alex, another drink?" I suggest as I turn around. That's honestly all I can think of.

"Youre the best." He nods before releasing his grip on me. Whew.

I go to the kitchen and try to find Tyler to make another drink for Alex, but I crash into a body of steel.

"Hey baby, you lost?" A husky voice whispers in my ear. God, no.

"I uh, um looking for the kitchen." I stutter out.

"I'll take you there." he winks from what I can see, and very harshly grabs my hand.

He pulls me to God knows where, it's so dark I can barely see my own feet. I hear a door shut and the light flickers on.

Did he fucking take me in a bathroom, really?

I start to panic as I feel the gap between us close.
I turn to face the guy who took me, and I can feel the color drain from my face. Hes so sketchy looking I want to cry.

"Whats your name, sexy?" he asks, pinning my hands above my head.

"Nothing that concerns you." I spat. "This isnt the fucking kitchen last time I checked."

He chuckles, "But this is so much better, babe."

He buries his head into the crook of my neck where he starts sucking, hard. I shriek and squeal, desperate to get out of his tight embrace.

"Keep still." he growls.

"Fuck, get off of me!" I try and pry out of his hold with no success.

His breathe smells like alcohol, weed, and shit all in one. He brings his lips to my ear, "You know you like this, baby girl. I'll make you feel so good."

I feel the tears start to brim in my eyes and I shake my head to the side in hopes to get this prick off of me.

"Your a drunk dick! Get your fucking hands off of me!" I shout.

When he jolts his hips upward, I loose it and knee him in the ballls as hard as I can.

He groans in pain and releases my arms as he falls on the ground.

"Scumbag." I hiss at him and run out of the door.

Tears full on pouring down my face, I run everywhere trying to find Alex so we can get the hell out of here.

"Alex! Alex!" I yell. Theres no way he's going to here me, and I need to go home.

I reach the kitchen and go up to Tyler, "Have you seen Alex?" I manage to get out.

"Hes over there, are you okay?" I follow his direction and completely disregard his question.

"Ale-" I start to shout once again but my voice dies down at the sight in front of me.




HERES CHAPTER 11 LOVES. Cliffhanger I know, but I can't wait to get the next chapters up! Make sure to vote for chapter 12💖 Also, if you liked this chapter id love to know, your feedback makes me so happy😊

Goal: 50+ votes

Question; Favorite music group or artist besides austin?

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