95. Fine Line - Part One

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a/n: hope everyone is doing well! :)

I have been toying with the idea of opening requests again...for some reason I'm not getting much inspiration from the ones I have in my inbox which I feel bad about :/ would you guys send in requests if I opened them again? I can't promise to get to them all, especially with this recent demotivation when it comes to requests, but it might spark some ideas which would be great! let me know what you guys think!

this one actually was a request from a long time ago back when I had my tumblr :/ but luckily I remembered some of the requests I got on there and this was one of them! hope you guys enjoy :) I had fun with this one!

warnings: if you are frustrated by dramatic irony then whew - get ready, language as per usual, fighting, attempted assault, peter is mean but also so is y/n, bad jokes and horrible names, slightly ooc peter depending on which version of peter parker you're picturing (a little ooc for mcu peter but not other versions in my opinion)

"You know, I hate when you get that look on your face."

"What? You can't even see my face, only my eyes."

"No, but I can picture it pretty clearly. Something like this?" Spider-Man's mask shifted a little and his white eyes squinted, as if that was supposed to make you envision what face he was making. 

"You're weird."

"And you love it, Frosty."

You scoffed at the nickname, turning away from your partner. For almost eight months, you and Spider-Man had teamed up to watch over New York. The city was a mess after the snap - more criminals than ever had sprung up during the five year gap, and of course all the ones that had been dusted returned. They expected to get their turf back, their drug rings, all their connections - it led to a lot of nasty gang fights and other crimes unlike anything you'd seen before.

Spider-Man was a little ruffled when he came back to New York after five years and discovered that there was another hero running around. You had only been at it for a few months before everyone returned.

You gained your powers and wanted to put them to some kind of use. You lost friends and family in the snap, and this was one of the only ways you could distract yourself from that kind of pain and help people. You were moved to New York to live with your dad, discovered that Spider-Man and a good chunk of other heroes were gone, and put your newfound powers to use.

A few months into your new hero gig was when everyone returned, including Spider-Man - who nearly scared the shit out of you when you were patrolling one day.



A red and blue figure was suddenly next to you and you did the only thing you could think of, which was throw your hand out and freeze him. Not literally - your power was more like an illusion, or invisibly binding, you supposed. As long as you concentrated and pictured something or someone frozen in place, it actually held them in place.

"Uh, what did you just do to me?" He laughed a little awkwardly, and you immediately dropped your hand when you recognized him.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," you covered your mouth with your hands, as if you weren't already wearing a mask. "You-you're Spider-Man!"

"At your service," he bowed, making you crack a smile. "And...you must be my replacement?"

"Replacement?" You waved a hand, "That's a bit harsh, don't you think?"

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